How to Introduce co2 to my Grow


Rebel From The North
So here's my advice, you want to be using a CGE. Controlled Grow Environment. You want your CO2 to be between 1200-1500 only during the day time, plants don't absorb CO2 at night. So your device should be on a timer to turn off when lights go off, perhaps the same timer as your lights. You are not supposed to exhaust out of the room, instead you have a carbon filter with a fan pulling the air through the filter inside of the room, and therefore scrubbing the room of all smell. If you have an air conditioner then that will be find for intaking fresh air, but the thing is you don't need fresh air if you are using CO2. So essentially your plants breath CO2, use the lights to do photosynthesis, and they turn into huge monsters. Also, you should have an exhaust fan with a dimmer switch on it to air out the room before you go into work. Safe levels to breath are below 700 or so. Normal air is 300-400..... Hope this helps! :)
thanks jay I guess my hang up is a ac unit not a option!!


Well-Known Member
If AC is out of the question, then I would imagine a dehumidifier would be as well. Both essential elements in a sealed co2 room. Just make sure you have a good steady supply of fresh air. Co2 isn't going to blow your room up if it's not done right. Which for the most part is sealed. If you just have to have it, then check out a cap air3 controller.


Rebel From The North
well if I went ahead and added a ac unit! the room 10x14 with x6 600hps the lights are vented from outside to outside to close the loop between lights and
the room, with that said I have dehumidifier! so the big Q is how big a ac unit do I have to get???

Bill Wilson

Active Member
Use a natural gas stove for cooking and set up a fan blowing near it on the floor. Huge amounts of co2 will flood entire house 1500 average for my basement. I love how simple and cheap it is. The daily dinner and late nite snack actually fuel what gave the urge to eat in the first place....ironic? Don't yo think


Active Member
Great thread Hellraizer. I just picked up a co2 bottle yesterday. I was doing some research on this same topic today and found your thread. Good input guys. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I use a 12,000 btu portable ac unit with an exhaust on it. It can drop my 12x6 room down to 75 with 3x1000's or 70 with 2x1000's so maybe like 2 10,000 btu's and just automate them to the temp and that would be able to regulate it pretty good IMO.