How to Grow in 90 degree heat?


Well-Known Member
I'm with you guys. Though its illegal here.

I woke up one day and realized the doctors had me on all kinds of stuff.

I was on a few blood pressure pills. A pill for my kidneys. Pain pills. Pills for nerve damage.

I said the hell with this. Lost the weight, eat right, drink plenty of water and use cannabis products.

I vape, smoke, make tinctures, creams, salves, edibles.

I have provided medicine for people with cancer, my wife with diabetes and neuropathy, and spinal deformations.

I was hurt badly in the military and wasn't allowed to heal right. The answer was always more pills. Just shut up and eat these.

Screw that. Big pharma is going to kill us.
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Well-Known Member
I'm in a similar boat from my auto immune disease bro keep at it. If the dicks making the laws want to start shit let them suffer the same illness and take all these pills that are so good for us.

Good luck to you and the wife man and thanks for your service!
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Well-Known Member
I went to jamaica once. $12,000 dollars for 2 ounces of schwag. Then my bf got his hand lopped off for stealing a banananana (sp? - i never know when to stop with the nanas)
Sounds like the must have taken you for what you are... some one with more money than they know what to do with. In other words a fool
I'd just grow out door fellow a screen house sounds like your best bet
I grow outdoors I'm asking about indoors, Not just sunny days out here mate still real life lol rain is not a joke! I got 2 plants in the same medium one outside and one inside not even comparable any more.


Well-Known Member
That's what I have to do to keep the bills manageable I turn min on for a few hours in the evening when it's cool let em run all night and part of the morning