How to get rid of algae growing on medium


Active Member
Hey everyone! So, I've had a little bit of algae growing on the surface of the soil of my random plants in my grow room. I didn't really think much of it since it hasn't affected my cannabis plants yet. But today, I noticed that there is now algae growing in my cannabis plants soil now on the surface. I read somewhere that you can use peroxide to kill it off, but now when doing internet searches I'm getting nothing but people saying it won't kill the algae and will only harm the roots.

Is there anything I can water into my plants to make the algae go away? Or anyone have experience using peroxide to kill algae off of soil medium? Thanks in advance!
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Hey everyone! So, I've had a little bit of algae growing on my cacti in my grow room. I didn't really think much of it since it hasn't affected my cannabis plants yet. But today, I noticed that there is now algae growing in my cannabis plants soil now on the surface. I read somewhere that you can use peroxide to kill it off, but now when doing internet searches I'm getting nothing but people saying it won't kill the algae and will only harm the roots.

Is there anything I can water into my plants to make the algae go away? Or anyone have experience using peroxide to kill algae off of soil medium? Thanks in advance!
Algae is benign.

If the aesthetics bother you, cover the medium with something opaque.

No light, no algae
Peroxide destroys algea just fine. Aquarium folks use it with great success.
But I would not do it unless it is really necessary. It damages roots and algea is harmless.
I know I've tried H202 on algae and it didn't work and neither does chlorine (5ppm) maybe it requires h202 maintenance idk but 1 or 2 application of H202 didn't work?

Soil or coco laying flat doesn't dry as quickly as rough (well dug) surface, give it rough up with a fork that helps it dry out by increasing the surface area, also a bit air movement helps.
Alternatively lids.
Damp + light = algae.