How to get money back from attitude

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Well-Known Member
Nope. Sorry for your loss. You should always get guaranteed shipping for cases such as this. Keep your head up


Well-Known Member
yeah, that's too bad. A bounce around the forums before ordering should have convinced you to pay extra for the guarantee. next time though.

just out of curiousity, what got taken?


Well-Known Member
I ordered guaranteed, round 1 was snatched, round 2 is in LA right now...if round 2 gets snatched, I'll ask for a refund and just get some beans locally. Legal retail shops in CO in 7 days!! Worth the extra $ for 'guaranteed' FYI


bud bootlegger
What are you trying to get your money back for exactly?
You ordered an illegal product, cannabis seeds, and they got caught by customs.. attitude performed their job.. were on a corner buying crack and the dealer ran off with your money, would you try and call your cc company to get your money back than too?

Next time pay the few bucks more for guaranteed delivery, that way if customs does its job, you have a leg to stand on, otherwise don't pay for guaranteed and they get snagged, you're s.o.l..


Well-Known Member
You should have gotten the insurance. Didn't you read all the post with people losing their orders?


Believe me I always get the guarantee but I didn't order this one, but my mindscape and mango puff got taken from them, fuckin bastards, worried about some seeds when Chicago has over 500 homicides a year makes me LOL


Active Member
What are you trying to get your money back for exactly?
You ordered an illegal product, cannabis seeds, and they got caught by customs.. attitude performed their job.. were on a corner buying crack and the dealer ran off with your money, would you try and call your cc company to get your money back than too?

Next time pay the few bucks more for guaranteed delivery, that way if customs does its job, you have a leg to stand on, otherwise don't pay for guaranteed and they get snagged, you're s.o.l..
That is quite the terrible analogy.


Active Member
Believe me I always get the guarantee but I didn't order this one, but my mindscape and mango puff got taken from them, fuckin bastards, worried about some seeds when Chicago has over 500 homicides a year makes me LOL
You didn't order this one, yet you somehow want to get your money back?
Doesn't make sense.

If a friend purchased them for you, then the most he can do is have his Credit Card company reverse the charges as unauthorized or unrecognized.
If they see that the same company has other charges on that card that you did not dispute, it could get ugly.

I personally wouldn't recommend doing that to a company that has done what they said they would and shipped them out, customs snatching them has nothing to do with the service they fulfilled.

On another note, you live in a legal state or I misunderstood? If you're in CO and can get them locally, why wouldn't you? Saves not only time, but I'm sure money.


Staff member
you need to buy the garuntee next time buy it its like 7$ and you can get a cool tshirt out of it


A relative ordered them for me while I was at school otherwise I would have gotten the guarantee and im probably just gonna do a charge back and attempt to get a refund from my credit card company


And they check to see if I made orders from that company before? Let's hope they don't cause i made 1 order before on my card


But attitude needs to fix their stealth shipping, too many orders getting seized and I know they're losing money from it


Well-Known Member
Wow good luck with that Equid....

I have never ordered from Attitude but if they performed the service fairly and "you or your Agent" ordered WRONG.

Someone was ant paying attention and a lousy $7 is what fucked you.

than if you steal back your money you lose all credibility to me on this board.

Its a Dick move, right it off to a mistake and move on.

if everyone that fucked up when they ordered the Shipper will raise rates across the board to compensate for loss.

Also they may stop taking the "visa or MC" because of your actions and the
same bad decision to do a charge back in your circumstances .

I owned a business, I had unfair charge backs, I even turn one into a fraud case and I won.


Active Member
Hard earned money I worked my ass off for, I don't care if it's a dick move
No offense but are you growing legal? If so maybe you have nothing to worry about doing a charge back.
If you know you're not legal in anyway, and just live in a legal state... Well...
I hope they report your ass for such a dick move. I doubt attitude will as they will most likely just refuse orders from you, but if I was the owner and someone charge backed me for seeds I would report your ass to where ever it needs to be reported just for being a dick.

Chi-town is the only place I know of getting snatched seeds, I heard of a few counts of LA but no where else.
Their stealth shipping is not an issue, never got one lost package. They even updated their stealth shipping since a few months ago.
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