How to get money back from attitude

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Well-Known Member
Shoot me a message in inbox OP. I'll tell you how I got 600$ back from em when they were being pricks about it.
Attitude sent his package. He ordered without guarantee and Customs got it. What he is trying to do is steal and commit fraud from Attitude. Maybe we wouldn't have to pay so much for beans if all you low life fucks could man up and quit tryin to screw the banks because you were too ignorant to understand the risks involved when you ordered beans. It's just like stocks, never spend more than you are willing to lose. If you don't understand when you place the order that you may be out the money and not receive beans, you are already in over your head. Funny how people blame the seedbanks for stuff out of their control, but no one is man enough to take any responsibility. Typical lawyer thinking, "it's someone Else's fault".


Well-Known Member
I contacted Attitude as my shipment was just confiscated too. I was told to take photos of the shipping package after it arrived slit open and empty. I got the impression that Attitude was going to replace my order as I had ordered their stealthy shipping option. Try writing Laura at customer service and tell her your story. BigSteve.
Sounds like you got the guarantee, which he did not. You should get a reship, he should not. Attitude sent the beans, they did their job. Anything that happens after they ship the beans is out of their control. I know a lot of people think they do, but Attitude does not control the mail, the breeders of the beans, the banking system, our Government or all the other silly things I see them getting blamed for. I especially like the clowns who use fake names or addresses cry when their package doesn't get to them.
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