How to get dirt out of bud

Well I just harvested one of my plants a little early since i'm going thru a huge storm today and tomorrow. It was my smallest and most mature plant (only had a couple weeks left) so i figured i would chop it just in case of mold, or wind destroying my crop and leaving me with no smoke. This storm is crazy my other baby which is currently flowering kept having the pot knocked over, but i suppported it with rebar, and supported the base of the pot as it still has about a month and a half left.

Moving on the my problem is that the plant i chopped kept getting hammered by the wind before i chopped, so know the bottom third which has the most bud has dirt and perlite mixed in. What can i do? Should i just leave it and it will come off while drying? Wash it? Manually pick it out?


Well-Known Member
hey,, blow it out with you mouth,. so crouch next to it and then blow maybe...
personally id try to not handle the buds to much when chopped,,to clean um Id get a small paint brush, the softer the better and then manually go through the buds, probly while drying as when dry it will take some resin glands with the dirt. yeah so chop, clean dry is what id do.
If the plants was still growing Id have maybe got the brush then and blow back then,,. so i think brush and blow for cleaning man..
hope that helps,,take it easy..
What about water curing just the buds with the dirt problem? Would it hurt potency? Taste for these buds would be an afterthought as im sure they'll taste worse with ffof mixed in


Active Member
If you want to clean them, dip and *lightly* swish around the water. May take a couple dunks but it'll clean them. If you want to keep the marijuana flavour, I wouldn't water cure. That process usually leaves you with tasteless bud. Potency will not be affected as long as your carefull. The more tricombs on the bud, the better your going to feel!



Active Member
If you have a sprayer built into your kitchen sink, just gently wash the plant off and let it dry thoroughly. If you leave an oscillating fan on it, you can reduce the chances of mold setting, which is relatively slim in most cases.