how to fix lockout?


Active Member
How do you fix a calcium magnesium lockout in organic soil? My Ph is around 5.4 and am having some serious cal/mag issues. I've already been watering with organic cal/mag for the past week and it seems to still be going on.


Well-Known Member
Pics would help. too much mag or potassium can cause a calcium lock out. Do you have both cal and mag defs? Rust spots, bright yellow tips and edges. Are the leaves curled like talons? Has growth ceased? Those will all occur with lock out, your ph is a little low. 6-6.5 is better.

If so flush 1 gallon of water per gallon of soil. then the following watering after soil has dried enough. Water at normal rate but with a compost tea. Do a foliar with kelp and epsom salt a couple days after flush too

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You sure its a "lockout" scenario? Seems to me that a lot of Sat & Sat Dom strains seem to devour Ca and Mg. Especially in early flower.


Well-Known Member
It sounds to me like you need a healthy dose of the organic fix-all; actively aerated compost tea!
I just had the whole lock out on just 1 plant out of many in same mix. Only me. I ran some AACT with RO water and seen instant results! Followed up with an SST with RO water and back in service. Pics would be great of course. If it's a deficiency, than I'd top dress and CT. +1 Spicy!


Well-Known Member
Can't go wrong with compost tea. I have NEVER seen plants react negatively to it, and more often than not it seems to bring things back into balance.

If you don't have a tea brewer, just spread 1/2" to 1" of compost or worm castings on the surface of each pot. Water that in deeply and you should be back in business.