How to configure the appropriate MG per EDIBLE....I think!


Active Member
Ok guys so to my understand this how you figure the MG per edible.(any EXPERTS out there PLEASE correct me if i am wrong) as i am trying to understand myself.

Ok my Example.Here we go.

When i make my Canna Coconut Oil this is my Method. 4oz maryjane/80oz CoconutOil/80 water. I mix all ingredients into crockpot then set on low lowest setting for 8 hours. Strain, so on and so fourth. This ultimately gives me 12 (3/4 full jars of canna oil)

So 4oz=112grams.
112 grams x 1000(1000mg in a gram)=112,000

No I divide 112000/12(the amount of full jars i have) = 9,333 (this is now how many MG are in each 3/4cup of Canna Oil).

Im left with 9,333MG per jar divided by 1/4=2,333mg per 1/4 cup.

So now if i were to make a batch of lets say suckers and the recipe calls for 1/4 canna oil and i make a total 25 suckers.
I would divide 2,333 by 25 = 93mg per sucker.

Thats my understanding of figuring out the MG . im also aware that this will vary on strain and quality of herb. I use mixed Buds and sugar leafs.

OR you can send it into the state or test it yourself =) constructive criticism accepted =) one love
im also aware that this will vary on strain and quality of herb. I use mixed Buds and sugar leafs.

OR you can send it into the state or test it yourself =) constructive criticism accepted =) one love

I am just wondering how you factored-in your strain & quality? In other words no. I think all of the testing I have seen is testing for THC, not how much herb you used to make it.
our testing if for mg of thc not mg of cannabis. if your talkn dry weight of cannabis then leave the ratio in grams as that's easiest for most stoners to comprehend.
yeah basicly. when we first started we labeled our doses 1.5gram/3dose, 3 gram/ 6dose, 4 gram/8 dose and 10 gram/ 20 dose which we still do but we added mg of thc a few months back when another fellow baker scoffed at our labels to a patient while sitting next to us lol. we went back to our test results and were able to break it down to mg thc per tbl spoon pretty easy as my wife is a former high school math teacher. the best part is her mg dosage was 20 mg lower than ours :lol:.

consistency is the key my friend. wright shit down and figure out what works for u. im guessing your trying to make a product available for patients and dispensaries which i applaud. if u are...bite the bullet and drop sum coin on a testing. its money well spent. we use pure analitcals and its time for a new test for us too. seems like our stuff is getting stronger haha.
Thats so great! and very helpful! Thank you!i ordered a testing kit, from england lol! looks like a chemistry set, good thing i like chemistry!! ha

As a matter of fact i am working to provide for patients. I personally believe its a great method of medicating and there are just SO many different things you can bake,cook,create!

The consistency of my Coconut oil has been going headstrong quite some time now, but must agree i must get lab results or test myself! I have one more question, once my oil/butter/tincture is tested and i get the MG results is it the same basic principal of figuring out the math equation?
when boiling in the crock pot doesnt water evaporate so that that nothing in the oil does?

i noticed the magic butter doesn't need water but it also is a sealed canister when mixing and cooking. very neat machine!
stop using water!!! it does NO good in recipes like this.
like what? he is asking about oil, butter, and tincture. water is key in a cleaner and stronger butter extraction unless u infuse hash into the butter which requires the added steps making the hash first. i agree on no water in tincture and oils but beg to differ on the butter.
like what? he is asking about oil, butter, and tincture. water is key in a cleaner and stronger butter extraction unless u infuse hash into the butter which requires the added steps making the hash first. i agree on no water in tincture and oils but beg to differ on the butter.
people who are actually professionally producing cannabis oils would beg to differ on water in the butter.

the water brings out all sorts of water soluble nasties as well as stealing water soluble terpenes from your oil that add complexity and intensity to the high.... it doesn't make your butter cleaner, it makes it dirtier.
people who are actually professionally producing cannabis oils would beg to differ on water in the butter.

the water brings out all sorts of water soluble nasties as well as stealing water soluble terpenes from your oil that add complexity and intensity to the high.... it doesn't make your butter cleaner, it makes it dirtier.
i make butter for the #1 edible vendor in the largest dispenary in the country and several other top notch dispensaries as well. is that not professional? i also provide my low dose butter to the same dispensaries as its the cleanest any of them have seen, according to their words not mine. i prefer to break terps down btw as it provides a much better tasting edible and those water soluble nasties are frozen and removed till i have a chunk of clean green butter sitting on a nice clear piece of ice.
i make butter for the #1 edible vendor in the largest dispenary in the country and several other top notch dispensaries as well. is that not professional? i also provide my low dose butter to the same dispensaries as its the cleanest any of them have seen, according to their words not mine. i prefer to break terps down btw as it provides a much better tasting edible and those water soluble nasties are frozen and removed till i have a chunk of clean green butter sitting on a nice clear piece of ice.

you are losing potency i n that water, and extracting unnecessary nasties. it is not professional, even if some consider you as such they are inaccurately doing so.
there is something to be said for taste and u fail to acknowledge that is what im removing. losing a bit of potency is ok as the dosage is not determined till after final was. id like to know which cannabinoids prefer bonding to water over fat? enlighten me on what we're losing with facts and ill completely rethink my highly refined weekly process. with lab tested results of 97% activation on a non pre decarbed product and 60mg thc per dose or higher on some batches ill believe my thousands of satisfied patients before taking your word for it.
2635820d1367216191-strain-specific-canna-butter-lavender-image.jpgthis is not my butter but a perfect example of what the water removes. you may wanna put that shit in your body but my patients and i surely do not. i do this until i have nearly clear ice under a beautiful green wafer.
there is something to be said for taste and u fail to acknowledge that is what im removing. losing a bit of potency is ok as the dosage is not determined till after final was. id like to know which cannabinoids prefer bonding to water over fat? enlighten me on what we're losing with facts and ill completely rethink my highly refined weekly process. with lab tested results of 97% activation on a non pre decarbed product and 60mg thc per dose or higher on some batches ill believe my thousands of satisfied patients before taking your word for it.
your losing lots of water soluble terpenes and flavanoids in cannabis that play a significant part in the high.

there are other ways to achieve better taste without having to lose all those water soluble terpenes.

and you're trying to say that 1000's of people cannot be chumps or fooled????? lol
im saying nothing in cannabis bonds to water which is why bubble hash if done right will produce a full melt, terp filled product at 60% thc or higher. terps are not desired in edibles by the masses and thats who we produce for. im sayn the patients are satisfied and continue to provide us with repeated testimonials both in person and online. and at 20$ retail for a 1200mg 20 dose candybar our products are unrivaled. we spend 10 hours a day in the kitchen 6 days a week based on demand...guess they could all be wrong though as that seems like a completely logical thought.
im saying nothing in cannabis bonds to water which is why bubble hash if done right will produce a full melt, terp filled product at 60% thc or higher. terps are not desired in edibles by the masses and thats who we produce for. im sayn the patients are satisfied and continue to provide us with repeated testimonials both in person and online. and at 20$ retail for a 1200mg 20 dose candybar our products are unrivaled. we spend 10 hours a day in the kitchen 6 days a week based on demand...guess they could all be wrong though as that seems like a completely logical thought.

if terps were not desireable in edibles badkittysmiles wouldn't take the time to meticulously cover every dish she heats up to prevent the evaporation of these terpenes....

I understand that you have strong belief, and lots of experience confirming this belief, but that doesn't make it scientifically true AT ALL.

I"m not saying you don't have a good method, but you cannot say you're not losing something in that water......

and I would be even more interested to hear your experiments without water....following these methods of course.
just leave it alone bro we all know to add water. poplars does this all the time, not sure if its misinformation or just trolling. its easiest to see when someone repeats themselves providing no scientifical explanation, and then quotes other people who dont know anything. anyway yea the water doesnt extract any cannabinoids and terpenes will be lost anyway after cooking.. dont give in to the argumenative