How to configure the appropriate MG per EDIBLE....I think!

just leave it alone bro we all know to add water. poplars does this all the time, not sure if its misinformation or just trolling. its easiest to see when someone repeats themselves providing no scientifical explanation, and then quotes other people who dont know anything. anyway yea the water doesnt extract any cannabinoids and terpenes will be lost anyway after cooking.. dont give in to the argumenative

yeah that's why they made me a global mod.... I"m done here. hopefully someone else can come in and educate about this... the main reason I nkow about this is because of mastering the ice water method.
outta anyone i know this guy above me knows most about edibes... he goes threw long periods of time due to some lung issue of just making/eating edibles... and also tinctures... it serve u well to just hear him out and if you already knew about it then still listen cuzz ur ass might learn something u might not know... pops is hardcore about cooking his butter for super long periods of time.. u gotta add water for this or ur butter will cook out.. if i had a crock pot id cook my butter long as hell too... i just ghetto rig a double boiler and cook my butter for around 45 min, its so hard to control temps this way.. i find myself constently adjusting the stove top heater... and adding more water to pot.. i don't put any water in my butter because im only cooking it 45 min or so... but if ur gonna be hard core about it and make sure all the cannaboid {decarboxidize???} not sure if that's spelled right prolly aint but fuckit] u need water
your losing lots of water soluble terpenes and flavanoids in cannabis that play a significant part in the high.

there are other ways to achieve better taste without having to lose all those water soluble terpenes.

and you're trying to say that 1000's of people cannot be chumps or fooled????? lol

terpenes are water soluble? i did not know that.....
turns out they are slightly water soluble.... which would explain to me why dry sift kief while it doesn't have the cannaboid content of lets say 25 or 73 mircron bubble hash and much more plant matter still taste better then bubble hash.. i don't think ima ever use water on my butter even if i get a double boiler and cook it for 12 or more hours on low.. i kinda like that cannabissy taste to my edibles a lil.. sometimes it can be too much... cinnamon and vanilla take it down a notch fine if u made ur batch too strong.... which i do.. i don't fuck around ill throw 7 grams of bubble hash into a stick of bitter and cook it up.... and buy the smallest box of brownies i can find and put the whole stick in it... everyone always says "man edibles don't get me high" and they eat one of mine... and an hour or so later there high has hell.. another hour after that there puking... bitches...
some terpenes are water soluble, some terpenes are alcohol soluble... this is a no brainer in hash making ;)

and another thing, lotss of terpenes evaporate at low temps, so it's a good idea to cook in a contained vessel (oven bag, double wrapped tin foil, etc.)
some terpenes are water soluble, some terpenes are alcohol soluble... this is a no brainer in hash making ;)

and another thing, lotss of terpenes evaporate at low temps, so it's a good idea to cook in a contained vessel (oven bag, double wrapped tin foil, etc.)

I cook in a pot with water then in a glass plate or mayo jar... basicly like crack....
and another thing, lotss of terpenes evaporate at low temps, so it's a good idea to cook in a contained vessel (oven bag, double wrapped tin foil, etc.)

So the sequence of operation is: The cannabis is heated, the terpene(s) vaporizes, and now it is trapped in the foil or oven bag. The terpene(s) cool down. My confusion comes to the next step. What has happened to the trapped terpenes?
So the sequence of operation is: The cannabis is heated, the terpene(s) vaporizes, and now it is trapped in the foil or oven bag. The terpene(s) cool down. My confusion comes to the next step. What has happened to the trapped terpenes?
once terpenes cool down they condense back into the oil.
View attachment 2643323this is not my butter but a perfect example of what the water removes. you may wanna put that shit in your body but my patients and i surely do not. i do this until i have nearly clear ice under a beautiful green wafer.
Alright good cause thats EXACTLY what mine looks like once its finished and it tastes and works wonderfully! Ill often make a more concentrated batch with keef and cap it 00 caps more for personal use but man do they work wonderfully!
and then along with keef ill add Calendula, fever few, and aloe vera, and extract that into my coconut oil as well! makes for a great smell and well hey all these herbs provide anti inflammatory benefits which is what i aim for!
im saying nothing in cannabis bonds to water which is why bubble hash if done right will produce a full melt, terp filled product at 60% thc or higher. terps are not desired in edibles by the masses and thats who we produce for. im sayn the patients are satisfied and continue to provide us with repeated testimonials both in person and online. and at 20$ retail for a 1200mg 20 dose candybar our products are unrivaled. we spend 10 hours a day in the kitchen 6 days a week based on demand...guess they could all be wrong though as that seems like a completely logical thought.
thats what i'm talking about! hell yea
I find it endlessly hilarious how newbs can give advice to other newbs, and the newbs decide that advice from the other newb has more merit than the experienced advice cumulated from edible experts... oh well.
i find it funny that you didnt offer a damn thing to the original question of provide anything other than hearsay to back up your off topic statements. ive tried infusing 560grams into 10 sticks or butter w/out water. it cant be done with just herb n butter. while you may have a lifetime of experience and failure i highly doubt you have put in as many kitchen hours or made as much butter as i have. im talkn a 20-30 lb of herbs a month extraction process and 200+ hours monthly by two people over 3 years....striving to remove the cannabis taste that so many patients dislike.
i find it funny that you didnt offer a damn thing to the original question of provide anything other than hearsay to back up your off topic statements. ive tried infusing 560grams into 10 sticks or butter w/out water. it cant be done with just herb n butter. while you may have a lifetime of experince d failure i highly doubt you have put in as many kitchen hours or made as much butter as i have. im talkn a 20-30 lb of herbs a month extraction process and 200+ hours by two people over 3 years....striving to remove the cannabis taste that so many patients dislike.

actually it can be done.. it just depends on the method you use...

that's cool, but I know what I'm takling about here.

if you want to infuse that much into the oil, you can re-run the same oil several times (there is a method to this, it works great.)

or you can use high proof ethanol to extract the essence of all that material, then infuse it into as much oil as you want by evaporating the ethanol, essentially a solvent transfer.

and if you want information, look at badkittysmiles thread, it's all there..... and I"ll guarantee she's got a LOT more cooking experience in cannabis than you or just about anyone on this website. so I'd listen to what she has to say.
we're talkn about your experience vs mine bud and how you just say random ass shit with nothing but another thread as information. unless badkitty is a full time edible maker like my wife and i, im not sure she would offer much help. this is our life. its a full time job and an extremely successful business with multiple employees. solvent extractions are illegal here in cali so thats not a business option and rerunning anything is not economically feesable based on our super quick turnaround. our butter is washed 3 times and ready for baking in under 24 hours and according to actual scientific lab test was the strongest cleanest they had ever come across. could it be 3-5% stronger...sure. does it matter to us? nope. getting 2-3 more edibles per batch is not worth added time.
we're talkn about your experience vs mine bud and how you just say random ass shit with nothing but another thread as information. unless badkitty is a full time edible maker like my wife and i, im not sure she would offer much help. this is our life. its a full time job and an extremely successful business with multiple employees. solvent extractions are illegal here in cali so thats not a business option and rerunning anything is not economically feesable based on our super quick turnaround. our butter is washed 3 times and ready for baking in under 24 hours and according to actual scientific lab test was the strongest cleanest they had ever come across. could it be 3-5% stronger...sure. does it matter to us? nope. getting 2-3 more edibles per batch is worth added time.
badkat just spoke at the cannabis world summit with rick simpson about edibles... pretty sure she's doing it full time.

I'm not saying you don't produce an effective product. I'm just saying you're losing stuff in that water, and contaminating your butter with water extracted materials as well.

and who was the lab tester? if it was a huge test lab I'd be impressed, but not if we're talking about some smaller end scale lab testing edibles.

either way, your process can get better, if you want it to. those water soluble terpenes are valuable to the high. its your choice whether or not you choose to ignore them (most lab analysis doesn't test to see if the terpenes are in tact... sure you can test with high terpene content, but are the terpenes intact, meaning, will they test in similar levels to the corresponding material? that, I do not think you can say for sure you have.

but either way its not essential, this is just to be sure you're getting everything out of it. your choice if you want to keep using these old fashioned water methods.
check these 2 links out....

medical grade cannabis concentrate (this is what I recommend for you... for concentrating massive amounts into small amounts of oil)
and then her normal canna oil recipe...

and also you say the turnaround wouldn't be quick enough... are you kidding me? that's just code word for I'm too lazy to figure out a better way to do it.
and just in case you think badkittysmiles is full of shit(which would be laughable at best..)

skunkpharm research llc strongly advises against using water in oil extractions....

and not to be a dick, but I think anyone who isn't willing to listen to skunk pharm, or badkittysmiles, shouldn't be taken seriously as a vessel of truth.
pure analitcals and stephill are the facilities we use. im done for the day as its time to start this weeks orders after a nice sunday with my girls. thanks for the morning debate i enjoy the argument :finger: lol
that's cool, I'm going to be sampling /testing my super potent oil extraction...

4 oz of extra virgin coconut oil with soy lecithin in it...

and capsules...
so I also want to elaborate sacpirate that I respect you as an edible maker and honestly would love to discuss edible making techniques at length with you since I haven't had the opportunity yet to send in a sample to get tested.

forgive me if I sounded rude, its just that there /is/ something lost in the water, that was the only point I'm trying to make. maybe we can find a sort of middle ground between your method and this method? or we can atleast discuss it.