How to add Nitrogen? (discoloring leaves)


Well-Known Member
Hey Im going to take a pic and show u. Dont hate though...its a temporary lol.

Well mammath I woke up this morning and they feel alot better then they did last night. The top seemed to be stretching so I lowered the lights a little bit with shoe string and cut back on the misting for now.

Think Ill wait a couple more days to feed them nutes, hopefully it will still be strong till then. Pics as soon as my twin gets off his lazy ass.


Well-Known Member
Hey i added nutes this morning to her. My brother didnt properly turn off ALL the lights and left the lower 2 cfls on -_-...I dont know what he doesnt understand when it comes to simple instructions. They were on for an hour while the tops where off and it spiked to 89F


Well-Known Member
Your not misting them with nute water are you ????

Personally, I wouldn't mist at ALL till the plant gets back on track - even with plain water !

PS - get a $6 timer from Home Depot for your lights:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Your not misting them with nute water are you ????

Personally, I wouldn't mist at ALL till the plant gets back on track - even with plain water !

PS - get a $6 timer from Home Depot for your lights:blsmoke:
I havent been misting at all since mammath told me to stop and ur right too its actually getting back on track feeling a whole lot better.

I didnt spray the leaves at all I sprayed the soil ;/ which wasnt smart but I hear what ya sayin ;-). I watered it with nute water yesterday and the next will be regular ph water

All new growth is comin fast and green as hell...I will keep ya posted. I got a timer but when it goes off, my box needs to be manually covered to be pitch this will be fixed.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like things are improving, good.
Yeah, make sure you've got total darkness at night cycles by the time you go into flower.
Not so important through veg stage but absolutely essential when flowering to have total, uninterupted darkness for 12hrs


Well-Known Member
Sounds like things are improving, good.
Yeah, make sure you've got total darkness at night cycles by the time you go into flower.
Not so important through veg stage but absolutely essential when flowering to have total, uninterupted darkness for 12hrs
Thanks mammath..appreciate all ur help :mrgreen:

Soon it will be in the closet and wont have to worry about light.

I think my feeding of nutes wasnt done very well..I wasnt getting any run off and felt as if I was pouring alot...but I really wasnt. The tips of new growth have turned slight yellow/brown but there is plenty of green all around..wish I couldnt take pics of the little guys.

Im about to regular water feed it since I dont want to over do it with nutes. Ive noticed the soil is damn dry even beneath and cant believe how much water this baby is sucking buy im worried this soil may hold to much water...OR (slap myself) Im not pouring enough. Which is probably the problem.

Get back with ya soon on it. Thx again.


Active Member
If you want nice grean foilage spray them once a week with kelp spray mist them dont soak them makesure the lights are off or raise high away from the plant. Use kelp in veg only or first two weeks into bloom


Well-Known Member
For a plants that probably has never been watered properly you need to really water that baby.
Whatever your pot size is, triple that and pour that much water over the soil. if it takes a while to run through, so be it, pause with your watering, let it soak in, then pour more on.
I wish you had pics too.


Well-Known Member
For a plants that probably has never been watered properly you need to really water that baby.
Whatever your pot size is, triple that and pour that much water over the soil. if it takes a while to run through, so be it, pause with your watering, let it soak in, then pour more on.
I wish you had pics too.
Sorry for the big pics.

My 'setup' lol EDIT: The lights look high for some reason in the pic but they are pretty close..maybe more then an 1 1/2'' or close.

I was thinking about topping it but Im just gonna leave them.


Well-Known Member
OK, that looks pretty sad but I've seen worse.
I just don't know where to start with this one.
The good thing is it has green growth on it but that's it for the good news.
It's has a hard life, but I think we can salvage something out of it.
Is it from a fem' seed?


Well-Known Member
OK, that looks pretty sad but I've seen worse.
I just don't know where to start with this one.
The good thing is it has green growth on it but that's it for the good news.
It's has a hard life, but I think we can salvage something out of it.
Is it from a fem' seed?
Yea thats on a budget. Dont worry It will change lol.

It was a clone when I got it so Im assuming its a female. These guys always throw clones to people for free so I picked it up.

Its the ventilation thats pretty shitty I know...I tried doing some mounting with the small fans but didnt work out. Yesterday I bought a osci fan thats a little bigger then the white one..only other slightly good news.


Well-Known Member
Cool, it's female no doubt so it's got potential and worth working on.
You need to exhaust the hot air out and draw fresh air in, and work on gettting the box 'light tight' also at the same time.
You really need an 6" inline fan and some ducting to do it properly.
That way you can suck the hot air out and keep it light tight.
Does your budget allow for one of them.
Also, the way that plant is and your light set up, it will really benefit from some LST.
You'll increase your yield and growing it sideways will suit your set up better I think.
Do you know what I mean? You need to start tieing the plant over.
Those shade leaves will not get better, leave them on the plant for now but don't expect them to pick up.
Lets concentrate on increasing more of the green, healthy growth you've got.


Well-Known Member
Cool, it's female no doubt so it's got potential and worth working on.
You need to exhaust the hot air out and draw fresh air in, and work on gettting the box 'light tight' also at the same time.
You really need an 6" inline fan and some ducting to do it properly.
That way you can suck the hot air out and keep it light tight.
Does your budget allow for one of them.
Also, the way that plant is and your light set up, it will really benefit from some LST.
You'll increase your yield and growing it sideways will suit your set up better I think.
Do you know what I mean? You need to start tieing the plant over.
Those shade leaves will not get better, leave them on the plant for now but don't expect them to pick up.
Lets concentrate on increasing more of the green, healthy growth you've got.
I have been doing alot of reading about lst and prunning, fim too which seemed more striking to me.

The only thing im worried about while excercising lst is breaking my shit in half. At that point, I would completely go insane.

I understand the shade leaves wont get better and I didnt cut them off Im going to leave them there..they are starting to get dry though with everything else also (cept new growth). This baby is getting thirsty fast but im taking care of it.

Im doing little trimming to get some light down the stem also, hope to much snipping at the tips of the fan leaves wont hurt it.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately fimming and topping should be done when plant is quite short.
Your plant is too tall to fim or top.
it will be no benefit now.
If your not confident and worried about snapping your baby then don't LST.
Leave it as is, get your ventilation sorted and light proof your box.
Now that your watering properly you should see improvement.
Then you can start flowering.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately fimming and topping should be done when plant is quite short.
Your plant is too tall to fim or top.
it will be no benefit now.
If your not confident and worried about snapping your baby then don't LST.
Leave it as is, get your ventilation sorted and light proof your box.
Now that your watering properly you should see improvement.
Then you can start flowering.
Ah man that sucks to hear this because when I got the plant they told me to top it and I had already done that. And now twice I trimmed tip of the fan leaves. Hope I didnt hurt anything.

Hopefully another couple weeks to a few. Depending on whats gonna happen. Box is being handy but not when im addied out. :shock:


Well-Known Member
You didn't hurt anything but you'll only really see benefit from topping at that height if you plan on growing it to 4 -5 ft which i dont think you have room for.


Well-Known Member
You didn't hurt anything but you'll only really see benefit from topping at that height if you plan on growing it to 4 -5 ft which i dont think you have room for.
Im thinking and an architect major all i do is problem solve and I been slapping myself in the face because im about to spend a little bit more money.....but it will be okay.


Well-Known Member
Yes. It's not helping.
"Of course fucking of course" - Brick Top

Alrite this is a LITTLE transformation. I think the fan I got is a little to big but its an osci. so i think ill be okay..making it barely touch hit the plant while in motion just to give it a little breeze. I said fuck it and did some surgery, cut the top of my box..and threw what I started with on top (rubbermaid).

Definately tell it leaks light but im about to fix it here in a sec. humidity is getting to low 20-25. Maybe it wasnt a great idea. Cabinet close to done though, just never have time.

Edit: Damn little duct tape..that shit was ridiculous.