How to add Nitrogen? (discoloring leaves)


Well-Known Member
The drying up is from heat effecting wet leaves. Or space heater blowing on it.
Stop spraying the leaves, have your lights at correct distance, and don't directly blow heat onto the plant. This will stop those heat spots. Temps between 65 - 75F are fine.
Nutes don't have nothing to do with that problem.
Strength of nuts - Read directions on bottle and use only 20% of recommended dose to start with.
Should see improvement in 2-3 days.


Well-Known Member
The drying up is from heat effecting wet leaves. Or space heater blowing on it.
Stop spraying the leaves, have your lights at correct distance, and don't directly blow heat onto the plant. This will stop those heat spots. Temps between 65 - 75F are fine.
Nutes don't have nothing to do with that problem.
Strength of nuts - Read directions on bottle and use only 20% of recommended dose to start with.
Should see improvement in 2-3 days.
Space heater is just in the room not literally facing it. Our heater went out so its the only thing to keep the temps in the room normal..but I hear what ya saying. The lights are at a good distance now.

Time to get this baby back on track :hump:


Well-Known Member
I believe this stuff is gonna change my ph at around i think 7.5 kinda close to 7 but not exactly...

House plants: 1 tsp per gallon. So I should probably just use half to a qtr of a tsp?

Edit: Lights go off in 15 minutes think I might wait till lights turn back on and spray the soil. Wonder if it makes a difference whether they are sleeping or awake

2nd Edit: sprayed it anyways


Well-Known Member
Lights go off in 15 minutes think I might wait till lights turn back on and spray the soil.
That dosage should be fine to start with.
Water when the lights come on.
...and, just one last time I'd like to say,


Sorry for yelling but I just need to really stress this point.


Well-Known Member
That dosage should be fine to start with.
Water when the lights come on.
...and, just one last time I'd like to say,


Sorry for yelling but I just need to really stress this point.
Im not going to say I completely understand you b/c i obviously dont. I accept all criticism (even yelling ;D)

I thought for nutes just spray/moist the soil. And for water, water thoroughly, am i fucking missing something here.

Im the idiot who sprayed the soil with nutes when the lights turned off :-|


Well-Known Member
Every time you water weather it be with nutes or plain water pour a good amount over the soil so that it runs out the bottom of the pot.
By just spraying the soil the roots aren't getting completely soaked which is what needs to happen. Other than that your also creating a hard, inpenetratable crust on top and ruining the drainage capabilities of the soil.


Well-Known Member
Every time you water weather it be with nutes or plain water pour a good amount over the soil so that it runs out the bottom of the pot.
By just spraying the soil the roots aren't getting completely soaked which is what needs to happen. Other than that your also creating a hard, inpenetratable crust on top and ruining the drainage capabilities of the soil.
Alrite well im not sure if Ive just fucked things up now but im getting sick. That makes complete sense :wall:

It was watered couple days ago and I was afraid to water it again. For some reason I just keep reading people saying spray ur nutes on top of the soil and must be comprehending that all wrong.

So on top of watering spray also? Am I correct or do I need another slap :shock:


Well-Known Member
I may be wrong, and I am not soil grower, but I have never heard of anyone spraying nutes onto the soil.
Water it when needed, properly, soaking all the soil, so it runs out the bottom of the pot, every time, I see no need to ever spray the soil, ever.


Well-Known Member
I may be wrong, and I am not soil grower, but I have never heard of anyone spraying nutes onto the soil.
Water it when needed, properly, soaking all the soil, so it runs out the bottom of the pot, every time, I see no need to ever spray the soil, ever.
This is my first time so Im not sure how big if a difference it is or what u are growing in. I know to water it properly but the question im trying to get across is Am Im going to water it with the water I had put nutes in everytime the soil gets crusty even beneath etc?


Well-Known Member
For soil you water with nutrient 'every other water'.
So your schedule would be:
Watered with ph'd water.
Next water - water with nutrient water.
Next water - water with ph'd water.
Next water - water with nutrient water.
Next water - water with ph'd water.
...and so on and so on.

How old is that plant?


Well-Known Member
For soil you water with nutrient 'every other water'.
So your schedule would be:
Watered with ph'd water.
Next water - water with nutrient water.
Next water - water with ph'd water.
Next water - water with nutrient water.
Next water - water with ph'd water.
...and so on and so on.

How old is that plant?
Alrite I got that down.

The plant im not sure I honestly couldnt tell you. When I got it the freakin thing was 9 to 9 1/2'' tall and ive had it for a week now. They told me to wait until it gets passed a ft..which I think they mentioned another few weeks or so.

Well mammath my baby didnt sleep and i turned on my lights and just watered with regular water not to long ago..afraid of what you said about that shit laying on top of the just gonna have to wait it out -_- see what happens next 2 to 3 days.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I said about the top of the soil is that it can form a hard crust if you've just been spraying the top. Other than the fact that spraying does nothing which I think we have established.
Depending on the quality of soil you may not even have a crusty top. Just run your fingers over the top soil and break it up a bit.
I don't expect much to happen at all because it needs to be fertilised before your going to see changes.
It looks deficient in many areas.
Next water get some of those nutes into it.:bigjoint:
1/4 strength dose to start with.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I said about the top of the soil is that it can form a hard crust if you've just been spraying the top. Other than the fact that spraying does nothing which I think we have established.
Depending on the quality of soil you may not even have a crusty top. Just run your fingers over the top soil and break it up a bit.
I don't expect much to happen at all because it needs to be fertilised before your going to see changes.
It looks deficient in many areas.
Next water get some of those nutes into it.:bigjoint:
1/4 strength dose to start with.
I will ill definately be using the nut water next time. Hopefully the breaking up of the soil and the pure water i ran will just clean it out..i hope.

Okay this is gonna bug you lol but do you think changing nutes (since I really didnt put down nutes) to "Fish emulsion 5-1-1" is a better choice then the 10-10-10 im using since my buddy needs more nitrogen.

That is all I swear. You have answered way to many questions for me and I greatly appreciate it :clap:


Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of fish emulsion as a source of N.
I used it through all my days in soil growing when vegging.
It is concentrated shit so go easy with it but I love the stuff. Probably better than the other bottle of nutes you had in that picture on page 2 'for now'.
It doesn't have a lot of P and K in it so it's great for N mainly which is what your plant is needing. Flowering is when you need more P and K.
Do you know what sort of soil you have the clone in at the moment and if there are any nutes in that soil?


Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of fish emulsion as a source of N.
I used it through all my days in soil growing when vegging.
It is concentrated shit so go easy with it but I love the stuff. Probably better than the other bottle of nutes you had in that picture on page 2 'for now'.
It doesn't have a lot of P and K in it so it's great for N mainly which is what your plant is needing. Flowering is when you need more P and K.
Do you know what sort of soil you have the clone in at the moment and if there are any nutes in that soil?
Its a potting mix from TLC has perlite and peatmoss I dont think it has any nutrients unless all mix's do...I know it wasnt a smart choice but I didnt want to use mg and theres no hydro stores here.


Well-Known Member
Perlite and peatmoss, with little nutes, that's good.
MG soil and inexperience can be a bad mix. It's always better to have to add nutes than trying to get them out.
No hydro stores? Damn.
Lets work with what you've got for now.
Keep me posted.


Well-Known Member
Perlite and peatmoss, with little nutes, that's good.
MG soil and inexperience can be a bad mix. It's always better to have to add nutes than trying to get them out.
No hydro stores? Damn.
Lets work with what you've got for now.
Keep me posted.
Thanks I will definately let you know. I would start a journal but dont have time. Ill get back to you on this page if anything comes up.


Well-Known Member
Cool .
Post a pic of the 'whole plant', pot and all, at some stage, and your 'set up'.
Lights, ventilation etc.
When you get the time.
It helps when giving advice.