How Team Obama tried to hack the election


Well-Known Member
you been fantasizing about man sex much lately?

that might take your mind off the fact that they have subpoena'd trump's lawyer.
Lol Cohen will make dem sen burr and warner look like fools in short can take that to the bank :)
These idiots are chasing a ghost. Its going to come back to bite brennon and hillary in the asses


Well-Known Member
that is a squat not a bow you fail you have nothing go play with your toys grown ups are trying to have a conversation.

Again, you are a complete idiot. Jesus h I hope you don't have power equipment under your control.

Squat vs bow... what a fucking toolbag


Well-Known Member
Lol Cohen will make dem sen burr and warner look like fools in short can take that to the bank :)
These idiots are chasing a ghost. Its going to come back to bite brennon and hillary in the asses

Another winner of the "I'll Believe Anything " club. Your repeated soundbites of distraction show what a train-able dog you are. No independent thought from you


Well-Known Member
Again, you are a complete idiot. Jesus h I hope you don't have power equipment under your control.

Squat vs bow... what a fucking toolbag
I have lots of power tools and shit. Need some landscaping, tilling, roofing, etc. I can do it. :)



Well-Known Member
Squat. That should be your new name when you do your sock reincarnation again. Or maybe enter that when they ask for your education. Or your IQ. Or your level of motivation


Well-Known Member
motherfuckers create fucking rallies about vapor bullshit.

You assholes forget the whole birther / cheeto thing conveniently quick.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Motherfucking O should have just snapped his fingers and passed $20 minimum wage. LOL. GOP would have applauded that shit. Right?


Well-Known Member
that is a squat not a bow you fail you have nothing go play with your toys grown ups are trying to have a conversation.

Weak reply. Just agree and move on. You are embarrassed by scraping bow and the placement of the Cracker Jack toy necklace. Admit it.

Squat on the evidence if you like. Doesn't make Trumps treason smell better.


Well-Known Member
dragging around a bunch of hoses and compressors instead of getting some nice cardio and physical exercise is dumb.
Some people just can't place a nail and drive it without missing and bending the nail or hitting a thumb or marring the shingle. Just plain ordinary day workers can do better but some people never learn. With enough capital, they can drag hoses, plug in compressors, use the customer's electricity, pay for the special nails and do a half day job in two days. Then gripe about how people don't pay them enough.


Well-Known Member

Weak reply. Just agree and move on. You are embarrassed by scraping bow and the placement of the Cracker Jack toy necklace. Admit it.

Squat on the evidence if you like. Doesn't make Trumps treason smell better.
I want to see proof of treason, I've seen nothing yet.


Well-Known Member
motherfuckers create fucking rallies about vapor bullshit.

You assholes forget the whole birther / cheeto thing conveniently quick.
I don't forget the birther I said that is just like the so called treason/impeachment bullshit.