Well-Known Member
Where the hell are there houses for $100,000 or less? Most growers that make enough money to need laundering live in somewhat populated areas,and houses arent that cheap very many places. Spending anymore than that and it would look suspicious putting that much in the bank,and you couldnt get a bank loan without credit (for a more expensive house with just $20,000 down).Ok, I'm going to share a very simple system to quickly launder money..
Step one: Make some money!! You'll need about 25 K to start.
Step two: Don't fucking talk about it, like I'm doing right now, lol
Step three: Deposit the money slowly over a 5 month period into your bank. Claim the money on your income tax under the 'Self Employed' section as Personal income You do not need a business to do this.
Step four: Go to the bank and put a 20k down payment on a mortgage for a home in a working middle class area. Save the remaining 5 to pay income tax at the end of the year on the 20k. I don't know how it works in the US exactly but no bank in their right mind turns down a loan with 20% of the principal up front.
Step fucking five: Make some more money!
Step six: Pay some Mexicans cash to landscape your yard
Step seven: Pay some different Mexicans or even some friends to renovate the inside of your new house. Focus on the kitchen first, then bathrooms Why? Because wives make the ultimate decision on home purchases, especially in working middle class families. Yard, bathroom and kitchen are the first things they look at and are often the deal-breaker.
Step eight: Rent the house. Putting notices in Church newsletters and through friends is a great way to get solid renters
Step nine: After 2 years, sell the house, pay back the loan and you just earned yourself some better credit. Claim you did all the work yourself. IF you did things properly, you just cleaned about 80k in 2 years legit. Use that money to start a business, one with a high volume of cash sales like a Deck and Fence repair company/Trash removal for example, etc....
Step 10: Ask me what to do once you've reached this point, lol
The way the economy is in the US right now, you should be able to get great cash deals on all the labor and materials you need for this particular plan.
Plus, you could also lose money if the housing market slumps in that time,or the renters trash the place,or it costs more to fix up than you thought..or or or

Dont mean to shit on the idea..theoretically it could work, it just sounds risky and complicated.