How Rich Are You?

which income level are you

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why should poor ppl pay the same amount as the rich?that just keeps poor ppl poor,while the rich get richer.the poor should pay less tax and the rich should pay more.some of the poorest ppl in the world are the most generous eventhough they aint got shit.and many rich ppl are very greedy.theres nothing wrong with being rich as long as you give back to society in a positive way.
most poor dont even pay taxes if you make under a certain amount your exempt from taxes...and i know some filthy rich people that are extremely generous with what they have. i'll agree some rich suck ass, but thats only a small percentage.
some of the poorest ppl in this world are extremely hard working.they work thier fingers to the bone for very to say poor ppl are only poor because they're lazy,is very ignorant.i think you need to look at what going on in the world,and look at how hard ppl's lives are through no fault of thier own.
now yes some poor ppl are lazy,but so are some rich ppl too.
poor ppl dont pay more then the rich, thats why were taxed a percent and not a set amount.
some of the poorest ppl in this world are extremely hard working.they work thier fingers to the bone for very to say poor ppl are only poor because they're lazy,is very ignorant.
every poor person i know is lazy and collecting unemployment sitting on their ass playing xbox, bitching about people who have money.. if these poor people that work their fingers to the bone are still poor, then they're not very smart. every couple years you should be elevating your lifestyle through investments and moving up in the workplace. and if the rich are lazy...then FUCK IT!! they've earned the right to be lazy.
Anyone that makes shit wages and would vote the rich a huge tax break is a fucking idiot. That is my take on that. When you've reached that level of income, then so be it. I would hardly expect someone to vote against their own interests, but yet poor republicans do it every year. What you don't get is that the rich people don't give one fuck about you or anyone else in this country. They want all the perks and none of the responsibility.
as usual, you misrepresent the facts to suit your own twisted logic. the continuation of the bush era tax cuts was a break for all taxpayers, not just a boon to the rich. your "take on it" is the same redistribution crap we've all come to expect from the malcontents on the left, that the rich should be taking care of a problem we have all had a hand in creating. what you always fail to take into account is that political ideology is not dependent on economics alone. despite the class warfare rhetoric of liberalism, intelligent citizens also look to the concept of liberty and to their own consciences when casting their ballots. it isn't all about money and your envy of what others have.

do you really expect the wealthy to be any different than the rest of us? of course they will tend to look after their own interests, but that doesn't mean they are quite as vindictive as the hypocrites of the left. those rich folks paid your inflated union wages all your life and provided for the comfortable retirement package you now enjoy.
Would you mind sharing your esteemed wisdom??

Well if you really want to know.

When I was 18 I purchased a small farm for a reasonable price with a lease to own agreement. Over the course of 10 or so years I slowly remodeled that house increasing it's value on a factory worker's wage. I did this a room at a time while still living in it. I used the growing equity to buy a couple more cheap houses that I fixed up a little and now rent out. With the combined equity on all the properties I was able to start a business picking up roadkill and rendering farm animals. I compost those animals using the manure from my farm and then sell the compost. My business was able to repay the loans for the rental properties and then some.

I also donate to raptor centers and zoos and help nature as much as I can.
poor ppl dont pay more then the rich, thats why were taxed a percent and not a set amount.

Here's the deal. It costs X amount to survive. X amount plus a little more makes life more comfortable. X amount + a lot makes life extremely comfortable. Now the logic on taxes: Let's say X = 35,000, just for logics sake. Your 13% of 35,000 would be 4550.00, leaving 30,450, an extremely modest amount to live on. Lets raise the bar. say 60,000, 13% of 60,000=7800.00, leaving 52,200.00, a way more comfortable amount, and less intrusive into the whole picture. Let's raise the bar again to 100,000, 13%=13,000 leaving 87,000.00. One more time, 500,000 X13%=65,000, leaving 435,000.00, I hope you get the picture. It's not what you start with that counts but what you have left, and it is obvious that the rich could and should pay a higher percentage. A progressive tax as has been the case for almost 80 years. The iniciators of the tax codes saw this plainly and the rich have been steadily chipping away at that for years. A flat tax, a value added tax, or a national sales tax or any tax other than a progressive tax will always benefit the rich more and probably bankrupt the country. Most rich people already have most of the things they want or "need", so a sales tax would certainly burden the poor selectively, as the rich would just stop buying those new yachts and Bentlys, wheras the poor would still have to buy their needs, clothes food, etc, and with a (as proposed) 22% sales tax, would be hurting for certin. We've had this tax discussion before on the forum, and it always boils down to rich VS poor. A class war I guess. The problem is and always has been a class war, but the rich always win. It is time for a reversal.
so if im poor, and i believe that you should work to pay your own way, and that the govt should back the fuck up, and if you take welfare you should have to pay it back. what does that make me?
besides stoned....

edit: work "everyday". the bible says a man shouldn't eat if he doesn't work.
Good luck. I suggest you smoke some more medicine. "Redistribution" and hating on prosperity is dangerous. Liberals have this view of utopia man...where everyone gets a piece of the pie. That is not how human nature and power work. You start inhibitting the right to be successful along with other rights and it leads to tyranny. Be glad you have the opportunity to be rich and quit generalizing the bently crowd with those that really work and pay real taxes. The top 10% of households with the highest incomes pay over half of all the income taxes, while half of Americans pay zero, so who doesn't give a fuck?
Good luck. I suggest you smoke some more medicine. "Redistribution" and hating on prosperity is dangerous. Liberals have this view of utopia man...where everyone gets a piece of the pie. That is not how human nature and power work. You start inhibitting the right to be successful along with other rights and it leads to tyranny. Be glad you have the opportunity to be rich and quit generalizing the bently crowd with those that really work and pay real taxes. The top 10% of households with the highest incomes pay over half of all the income taxes, while half of Americans pay zero, so who doesn't give a fuck?

I'm not sure that half of americans pay zero, I call bullshit. If you count children it may well be close, but kids don't pay income taxes anyway, and should not be part of this discussion. The opportunity to be rich is certainly not alloted to all, regardless of what your republican primer tells you. Maybe in some fairytale version of the USA, but not in real America, that is republican lies.
Let's be real, the real problem is how our money is squandered. It doesn't matter how much we pay in taxes or if the rich pay more in taxes if the $ isn't going to good use. Maybe there wouldn't be as many people struggling if more of this money was used to help our communtities instead of developing new weapons. Maybe America could stop spending all this money on getting rid of plants and stop putting so many people in prison for petty shit and put these politicians and "white collar" criminals in there instead. Wishfull thinking I know.
Let's be real, the real problem is how our money is squandered. It doesn't matter how much we pay in taxes or if the rich pay more in taxes if the $ isn't going to good use. Maybe there wouldn't be as many people struggling if more of this money was used to help our communtities instead of developing new weapons. Maybe America could stop spending all this money on getting rid of plants and stop putting so many people in prison for petty shit and put these politicians and "white collar" criminals in there instead. Wishfull thinking I know.

You have some good points, I agree with some of them, but it really does matter that the rich pay a higher percentage. It is just right in so many ways.
I'm not sure that half of americans pay zero, I call bullshit. If you count children it may well be close, but kids don't pay income taxes anyway, and should not be part of this discussion. The opportunity to be rich is certainly not alloted to all, regardless of what your republican primer tells you. Maybe in some fairytale version of the USA, but not in real America, that is republican lies.

47% pay no tax...
I'm not sure that half of americans pay zero, I call bullshit. If you count children it may well be close, but kids don't pay income taxes anyway, and should not be part of this discussion. The opportunity to be rich is certainly not alloted to all, regardless of what your republican primer tells you. Maybe in some fairytale version of the USA, but not in real America, that is republican lies.

Hey, the democrates are happy to steal from John and give to Paul, especially with the Healthcare bill!
that's more misleading that what i thought you could be.

everybody pays payroll taxes.

everybody pays sales tax.

everybody that wants to drink and smoke pays 'sin' taxes.

come on now... i expected more from you....

Were talking about INCOME TAX here red. pay attention.