New Member
Just for giggles, and to see if the righties will confess their wealth status, wwhich category would you put yourself in.
i won't put myself in any of those... spank you very much...
daddy and mommys income isn't included.... (500k+ my ass)
not all of us are envious gluttons. these days i've found my income dipping down well below $50k, but i'm still not willing to steal from others to pay for my ever increasing bills. for some of us it's a matter of principle, something you seem to know so little about.Who knows? Many on this site are all for rich people. It would seem if they were middle class or lower, they would basically say fuck rich people, go figure. There must be a few millionaires on this site, otherwise we have a lot of idiots on here.
not all of us are envious gluttons. these days i've found my income dipping down well below $50k, but i'm still not willing to steal from others to pay for my ever increasing bills. for some of us it's a matter of principle, something you seem to know so little about.
Personal attacks, eh? Did mention any stigmas attached to incomes, just that rich people suck and all you wannabees are the worst of the worst in allowing the treatment of the rest of us. I'm not advocating taking their money and giving it to me as you so often suggest. I'm advocating taking their money, through taxation and pulling this country out of debt, creating a workable medical system through the government, IE. single payer, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, etc., etc. Those millionaires and billionaires could really maker a difference in this country if they would give some of their income up. Really, calling me an envious glutton is really beneath you. You need some professiomal help.not all of us are envious gluttons. these days i've found my income dipping down well below $50k, but i'm still not willing to steal from others to pay for my ever increasing bills. for some of us it's a matter of principle, something you seem to know so little about.
I must be an idiot, I don't even make as much as Med Man does on unemployment.
It is never you job to take care of yourself? Its always someone else not doing "what they are supposed to do". GROW UP!I suggested that if one made small bucks and voted for millionaires, then they must be idiots. So if you voted to give the rich a huge tax break, then you would qualify, otherwise you are just another poor guy. BTW, I'm not on unemployment, rather Social security which I donated to for 50+ years, and a small pension. If it weren't for the savings and investments I made throughout my life, (always pay yourself first), I'd be in a world of hurt. Also. I make well below the 35,000 poverty line, so welcome to my world. Also, I am not envious of rich assholes, just that they do not contribute enough to the well being of the country. If they paid enough in taxes on their outrageous incomes, this country would be debt free, have adequate medical for everyone, no foriegn debt, etc., etc.
why should it be the "riches" responsibility to take care of the poor..the poor are poor because they're lazy..i grew up poor, and made a decision very young in life that i would not live like that. the millionaires would make a difference in this country if the country stopped trying to screw them.Personal attacks, eh? Did mention any stigmas attached to incomes, just that rich people suck and all you wannabees are the worst of the worst in allowing the treatment of the rest of us. I'm not advocating taking their money and giving it to me as you so often suggest. I'm advocating taking their money, through taxation and pulling this country out of debt, creating a workable medical system through the government, IE. single payer, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, etc., etc. Those millionaires and billionaires could really maker a difference in this country if they would give some of their income up. Really, calling me an envious glutton is really beneath you. You need some professiomal help.
I'm happy being poor. My 18 month daughter eats good, has clothing on her back, a roof over her head, and a father who cares enough to give her all of this before he would himself. I am a blessed man