How Physically Fit are you?


Well-Known Member
true that, even ethiopians and kenyans..
Word. Even the Kenyan's have their limits.

So who can run that fast? I did a little research, because I'm a dork. Antelope, it turns out, (especially the Pronghorn Antelope) can run 3 miles in under 7 minutes. In fact, they can run it in 3 minutes! That means if you were driving at 60 mph on the highway, that animal could run with you for like 3 or 4 minutes! Even a cheetha will start to run out of gas after about 20 seconds.

That's fast.

And, in case your curious, Secretariat, the fastest horse ever, could run 3 miles in probably around 6 minutes or so.


Well-Known Member
I am 6'2 and weigh only 165 lbs - lifting more often now for better muscle tone
I eat healthy and keep a good diet. I am a boxer and have training in other martial arts, but I box everyday and do not take classes for other fighting styles often.
I never run because boxing is a fucking incredible work out
I play basketball a lot at my gym almost every day

I'd say I'm pretty fit except that I'm skinny, I want to keep my weight and maybe even drop to 160 or 155 again. I'm muscular just not buff and shit cause my girl hates buff


Well-Known Member
im 6-3 im a solid 192lbs ,3 months ago i was around 235. in jan i was 255-260.

lots of exercise and eating healthy.
i run every other day.
lots of calisthenics's

and i smoke all the time...

fuck dem fags, they give ya the cancer stay away from them.