Nah man
Melt a 10mm socket or your preference into the side of a tylenol bottle etc..small hole in the bottom and bad ass pipe you have..
"Zebra" pen
Take it apart, metal tip is bowl, metal case is downstem and plastic piece with clip is the slide....shove in side of water bottle
Also works as a pipe and you can still write with it..gets stinky though
I started smoking heavily Halloween as a freshman in high-school, never quit...interestingly enough I had been selling already for a few years
Lemme say I've never taken a test sober...fucked up on everything you can imagine..from dilaudid to tranqs to dissociatives and hallucinogens alike
Weed developed my interest in drugs and went to school to "design" drugs....ended up being a sort of nuclear pharmacist...I mix unstable meds for example chemo patients..babies etc
I make decent enough money and consider myself successful..I didn't plan on being a pharmacist or most of the things that have happened in life.. but I'm right where I need to be
I smoke bout 4 ozs a week as well