How often do you smoke weed?

if you smoke your weedies you can grow up big and strong like snoopy dog or whatever his name is.
you make all that money? go eat a fucking cheeseburger or some shit. all steaks and wholesome food and a ton of molly and runnin around on stage will do that to someone i guess. #rapperlife
No weed since bedtime Saturday night. Maybe I'll take a little "tolerance break." Besides, I'm low on supply and I can't get to my guy until Wednesday, due to my schedule not his. Getting to sleep wasn't easy last night; however, I got enough sleep. And I had a doctor's appointment today at 9:00 and thought it best to just lay off. I don't know if my pulse or bp would be effected but I don't like raise alarms for the doc.
I understand my tolerance has built up cause I toke daily, yet I always get fucked up. Sure it's not like the first time, but I don't think tolerance has to do with that, I think it's more a familiarity thing. Like at first you don't know what the fuck is happening, now you know the more it happens the stronger the weed is.
you make all that money? go eat a fucking cheeseburger or some shit. all steaks and wholesome food and a ton of molly and runnin around on stage will do that to someone i guess. #rapperlife
Big Pun died because he got too fat. Remember how fat Heavy D was? B Real and Reakwon the Chef also put on some pounds. I think it's genetic, like having faster metabolisms vs slower ones. Like The Rock is fucking huge cause he's black and Samoan.