How much will I yield?


Active Member
First time grower here......I just harvested my first plant last night and I ended up with 49 grams. (which I thought wasnt bad since it was such a small plant)

I was just wanted to see if some of you pro's could tell me how much I could expect to have once its dry.



Well-Known Member
I harvested 40 grams the other week and after it was dry I ended up with around 6. But IM sure every strain is a lil different.


Well-Known Member
I would say between 3/4 to an oz. I find I lose between 50% and 70% of my weight between harvest and dry. Seems to vary somewhat depending on the strain.


Well-Known Member
So you are saying that if I harvested 49 grams I can only expect about 12 grams when its all said and done?
if expect to loose 3/4 and only loose half then your excited right.. but if u expect to loose half and loose 3/4 then your bummed. prepare for the worst ya know


Well-Known Member
The best ballpark figure is to assume you are going to lose roughly 2/3 of the weight after drying. If you have 49 grams wet then I will guess that you will end up with approximately 17 grams when dry.


Well-Known Member
Always go low so you don't get disappointed.

Multiply your wet weight by .20. Tis will give you 80 percent loss.



New Member
If im reading this right you just harvested on plant and got 49 grams? You will get somewhat shy of a z off of one plant, i'd be stoked, but i havent harvested my babies yet.....

I got 6 veggin and if i could get 4 oz's I will be really stoked.


Active Member
If im reading this right you just harvested on plant and got 49 grams? You will get somewhat shy of a z off of one plant, i'd be stoked, but i havent harvested my babies yet.....
a oz wouldnt be too bad i guess. I would just hate to put all i have into the grow and only get 16 or 17 grams