How much will I yeild?


Im growing one plant under 4 2500k 23w cfls and one 43w 6500k. Im growing afghan kush, and using a 7-6-8 nute for vegging and a 15-35-15 for flowering and im vegging for 5 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Come on guys don't be dicks. :D

To the OP, there are just to many variables on things that could go wrong. Also are you going to do any training?Topping?FIMin?, LST?

Grow the plant and learn from it. Don't worry about yield, worry about getting it dialed in so you can improve your shit.

For veg you want 5000k and above and flower do 2700k. During veg you want at least 100w per plant and then 2-3 times that in flower.

If you have any questions besides on your yield we would be glad to help.

Good luck


Thanks, I haven't planted it yet, but i do plan on topping it, and also what do you think is a possible yield? If nothing goes wrong...


Well-Known Member
Way too many factors to estimate 1 plant under those lights & vegging for that time. Need pics of the plant room and everything else.


Well-Known Member
Is this your first grow? If it is get you some more lights and if all goes well I'd say you could get anywhere from 1-3 zips, don't get your hopes up though, a lot of shit can go wrong when you very least expect it! It's just part of our hobby. Live and learn.

Be happy with what you get, I've grown afghan kush before, it's a good strain to start with. It's a stable sturdy plant and mold resistant which is good for beginners

Well-Known Member
i apologize for the harsh words....i just dislike it when people use "gay" or "homo" as a synonym for stupid or bad. or at least thats the way it came off to me...
Ya its all depens on how ever thing works out if ya get bugs mold nd so on i my self for my first grow i used 3 daylight 23watt cfls each had there own hood for seedling 5 for veg and 4 42watt cfls amber in color and got 3zones off one it was a random bag seed as well. so ya i would say to hope for the best treat her good and she wil treat u good in return . so my guess is if all goes good i would say 2-3zips


Well-Known Member
You haven't posted enough information about your growing methods/conditions. It is, therefore, impossible to predict how much your plant will yield. It will range between 1 gram of dry bud to 4 ounces of dry bud (maybe even more, but 4 is pushing it..).

If this is your first grow, concentrate on not killing the plant. You'll over or under feed it, if you train it you'll snap a branch or two, ..., things will go wrong. Any yield should be regarded as a win for your first grow. If you get all the conditions right, and you manage your grow meticulously, you should yield around a dry ounce.


Well-Known Member
If this is your first grow, concentrate on not killing the plant. You'll over or under feed it, if you train it you'll snap a branch or two, ..., things will go wrong. Any yield should be regarded as a win for your first grow. If you get all the conditions right, and you manage your grow meticulously, you should yield around a dry ounce.

nailed it.. great advice