How much will 2 plants SMELL?


Will I need a "carbon scrubber" for just 2 or 3 plants when they bud (closet grow) if I'm lucky enough to get that far?

I'm way too noob to hook up a carbon scrubber, plus my closet has no intake/outtake vents other than the door. I might get a small fan to keep the air circulating, so if I'm lucky enough to get it to bloom, I'll probably need something to mask the smell from occasional visitors and keep it from seeping out my front door.

What will I need for two or three bagseed plants?



Well-Known Member
100_1689.jpg100_1690.jpg this bagseed plant has been flowering for 35 days and is outside, i can smell it 5 feet away. it WILL smell :weed:

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
2 plants of what? 2 Kush plants will stank it up...2 Cinderellas will smell like a lil candy shop and lemons


Active Member
I have a similar question. Anyone know how strong two White Widows will smell ? What they will smell like ?


Active Member
People underestimate smell all the time..... The oils will seep through walls, cling to your body and clothes.... It will REEK so bad once week 4-5 comes around, that your visitors will think there is a skunk in the house.... No Joke! You DEFINITELY need a small scrubber and fan if you want to keep smell to a minimum.... otherwise, when people visit, they WILL know your growing... and outside your house might even smell.... Yes, even if its in your closet... YOu can get a small inexpensive carbon filter/scrubber with a fan for like $150.... Go without it and everyones gonna know... I had a Can 50 Scrubber/filter with a 6" fan on it ($475) in a room 8 by 8 room with 6 plants, and it still smelled outside the room... Not terribly, but people could smell it...


Active Member
They will smell ALOT.... Probably alot like pot Id think?

I had heard that they had a citrus type smell and was wondering if anyone had any first hand knowledge of white widow flowering. I also heard that Lemon Grass Oil works extremely well in masking odor if you have a small grow (1 or 2 plants).


Active Member
They will reek you whole house man. I have done ww and it is some stinky shit. If it doesn't you are doing something wrong. Get an exhaust fan and carbon filter capable of exchanging the air in the space within 5 minutes. You can exhaust from the room through the filter or just put the setup in the grow room and scrub the air in the room without exhausting.


Active Member
They will reek you whole house man. I have done ww and it is some stinky shit. If it doesn't you are doing something wrong. Get an exhaust fan and carbon filter capable of exchanging the air in the space within 5 minutes. You can exhaust from the room through the filter or just put the setup in the grow room and scrub the air in the room without exhausting.
Ok, so I read a post here about a guy that pours lemon grass oil in a small bucket and had a fan blowing it across his grow room. He said it worked well, any opinion/knowledge on this ?


Active Member
think about me man i have 9 blueberry growing and just turned into 12/12 think there gonna stink my house out to the max lol


Active Member
Will I need a "carbon scrubber" for just 2 or 3 plants when they bud (closet grow) if I'm lucky enough to get that far?

I'm way too noob to hook up a carbon scrubber, plus my closet has no intake/outtake vents other than the door. I might get a small fan to keep the air circulating, so if I'm lucky enough to get it to bloom, I'll probably need something to mask the smell from occasional visitors and keep it from seeping out my front door.

What will I need for two or three bagseed plants?

Imagine how ya bedroom woud smell if you had a turd on your bed and left the door open. Woud you smell it in the next room?

You need a filter unless your growing the new super lavander lemon.:hump:


Get an exhaust fan and carbon filter capable of exchanging the air in the space within 5 minutes. You can exhaust from the room through the filter or just put the setup in the grow room and scrub the air in the room without exhausting.

You mean something like this?

I would need something I can just set on my closet floor and plug it in. As I said, I have no vents in my closet, just the door.

What about people who set up mini-grows? What do they do?


Well-Known Member
You could put a small Holmes air purifier in the closet with some added carbon in the filter. There is a thread on this site regarding doing that.


Well-Known Member
My first red dwarf in an outdoor grow stunk so bad I could smell it in the front yard. Others not so much. Indoors? impossible to hide without carbon scrubber.


You could put a small Holmes air purifier in the closet with some added carbon in the filter. There is a thread on this site regarding doing that.
I actually have a DeLonghi air purifier (this one: Has an ionizer switch too. But from what I'm picking up on these boards, this won't be enough. Supposedly works for up to 200 square feet, so will it work for a closet with a few plants in bud?

I'm thinking of ordering this carbon filter (, but I'm a little hesitant because reviews say it's kinda loud.


Well-Known Member
I remember when I used to grow in my bedroom with no filter. My gf had to leave her work clothes outside so they wouldn't reek of weed from being in the same room overnight. It permeates EVERYTHING and nothing will mask it.

Why not just get a small carbon filter with inline fan and just hang them in your closet? You don't NEED to vent them to outside unless you're using the fan to cool the space too. A filter/fan combo will scrub the air regardless.

Hope this helps.


Why not just get a small carbon filter with inline fan and just hang them in your closet? You don't NEED to vent them to outside unless you're using the fan to cool the space too. A filter/fan combo will scrub the air regardless.

Hope this helps.

Gotcha. That's what I'm looking for. What do you think of this one? ( It's 4".

Do they come smaller? Reviews say this one's kinda loud. In a closet that might be a problem.