How much water do YOU give soil in 5 gallon pots?

I wouldn't say if you needed to flush due to a build up of salts that 1gal of water would be all you'd need. I'm just saying you would use less water to achieve your goal.
Most of the gallon of water will just run off the sides, or find a hydrophobic road straight out of the pot resulting in wasted water.
Pouring a little at a time will let the soil get wet. Once the soil is wet it can be flushed of the excess salts with the next phase of water passing through.
Using a bit of dawn in your water can help as a wetting agent.

thanks bro!
Bump. Technically, it's impossible to "drown" or overwater cannabis. You can SUFFOCATE them, but that has nothing to do with how much water is running through the medium, and everything to do with how much O2 is in the water. Otherwise, hydroponics would be impossible, as it would "drown" the plants ;) So long as your soil is properly aerated with perlite or the like, it is very difficult to suffocate the roots. You absolutely can suffocate a plant in compact soil with just a single, massive watering. Regardless of watering frequency. If the soil is too dense, it holds the water on the roots too long, is sucked dry of O2, & the roots begin to shut down. Frequency of watering can definitely speed up their suffocation in soil... but it's the depletion of O2 in the air/water around the roots that causes the symptoms/death of a plant that is overwatered.
This is a very good point. Makes sense, a different way of viewing how you water