How much time to recover after topping?


Active Member
Probably not the best idea, plant only has 4 node sections (8 nodes total) that are fully grown (Popping out) and 2 that are just starting to show their tips. So 10 total nodes (If you count immature) the plant is under 1ft but that would be because I have the light extremely close so it prevents it from stretching.


I was wondering if I top it now, how long would it take to recover before I can switch to 12/12 or can I switch to 12/12 and top? (The latter seems a bit stressful)

If no good answer guess I'll just let it grow out, but really wanted a harvest before new years.

EDIT Nvm got a pm that fast saying 1-2 weeks.... too much time to wait lol


Well-Known Member
try either, if you top it now let it grow some more anyway to let it bush out and get bigger
if you top it during early flower it often causes the lower branches to shoot up

how tall do you want it to end up at harvest ?

strain horder

Active Member
If you can, I would wait 2 weeks after topping to flip. When you top, you send signal for hormonal change to put energy into repairing the plant if you will. If you can't wait that long, I have topped in week 1 of flower with no obvious negative effects.. I once moved a bubba kush that was in week 3 of flower from one room to another and broke the terminal bud's stalk about 8 inches from top. The plant still yielded well.


Active Member
I dont care how big my plant gets because Ive been keeping the HID 400W MH about 3-4 inches from the plant and it has been getting VERY VERY tight internodes its only about 6 inches maybe a little bigger and is growing pretty fast I think after a setback. I don't think it'll shoot up 5ft after topping during flowering so height isnt a issue right now I guess.

I figure if I top my yield would increase but what about diminishing return on teh plant because its so small in height topping can increase the yield too much right? I mean 1 week of recovering vs 1 week of straight normal growth what would overall increase the yield?