how much P can i give my myco buggers?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, again. Jus wonderin if anyone can give me some answers. Im gettin close to 3 wks in flower and want to try givin a lil more phos. I think(mighta jus been hi,lol) i read somewhere that u can give too much P and can negatively affect ur mycos. If anyone has any info on this, please let me know.
Thx for lookin.
Endo Mycos back off when high P present. I'm gonna check that thread Chuck. I like your posts.
IIRC, it's when you get above 500PPM of P that starts affecting mycos.

500ppm isn't all that much.

Think $5 worth of pennies in $10,000 worth of pennies.

Bet you have enough already.

Yea, especially when mycos go out and find trace P levels, transport it and are plugged in to feed mainline-style directly into the root.

Love that penny analogy. Very visual and effective.
Exactly the thoughts i started havin. Of course it was AFTER i bought hi P bat shit instead of hi N. That bag will prob last me 20 years. Ha