How much longer?


Well-Known Member
KIWI seeds 002.jpgKIWI seeds 008.jpgKIWI seeds 004.jpgKIWI seeds 007.jpg

This is one of 4 strains from Kiwi but not sure which one. These pics were taken at day 52 of flowering. the package said it would be ready 45-60 days. Indica hybrid. trichs are are really forming nicely with with about 75% clear and 20% cloudy and 5 amber. Any ideas on when done? I have it under a 1000w HPS. soil with fox farm nutes. Thanks for the help on letting my know your thoughts.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Stolen from J:
You should go into the harvesting and curing forum and look at threads about checking when your plant is ready.

Some of the ways are

THE SWELL the buds will swell up when nearly ready
THE RECEEDING HAIRS the pistels will receed back toward the bud when the plant is ripe.
THE TRICHOMES these will be however you like it to be 20/80 50/50 80/20 amber to milky
and the overall appearance, A bud will take on a completely different appearance when it is ready to be harvested.


Well-Known Member
Those pics were 4 days ago and since the # of pistils turning and receding are growing exponentially. I have done a lot of research and am contantly trying to learn more from this site. However, it is only my 3rd grow. First non-cfl grow. I appreciate the advice.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Very pretty buds.

I agree with most other posters that you have 2 to 3 weeks to go.

Happy smoking.