Well-Known Member
I just posted right before you that professional cash croppers have been doing it since the 80’s in my experience. I’m a relative noob compared to those I know in the old industry. I have only been growing 4+ years perpetually but I have tested this with 3 sets of 3 known clones and best results are always the plants fed properly and stayed medium green and happy to the end. But too much nutes ruins that flushed, faded or green.
We can definitely agree on that the best tasting bud is the ones that were growen properly to begin with. I for one have never said that those extra nutrients leave the plant. NEVER.
I have explained what i believe to others, right wrong or indifferent its my theory. Now yes i believe that the less chlorophyll present in the final product is good once again not the only thing that effects the taste and smoothness in my opinion. Any left over unused nutrients stored in the plants i believe also effect the taste and smoothness.
So if you cut the amount of nutrients during flower slowly, i believe that the extra nutrients get moved around and get used by the plant. Thats it thats all i never said that they get flushed out of the plant or they get put into the air magically. So can we move on now and stop assuming that everyone that flushes has no true reasons ot thoughts behind why they do it.
Peace and respect