How much hydrocodone?


Well-Known Member
How much hydrocodone do you usually take to "make the pain go away"? I'm 135 lbs, and took 30 mg and I'm not impressed.
ive got a few ppounds on yeah and I wasn't impressed either, so I DEMANDED lol a stronger medication. 10/325 watson820.jpgshroomery.jpgI have a few titanium screws and a convientant plate in my body that seem to "shift" overtime. They have given me these since 2008, as for the fungus well these are just afew of meh favorite things! I ate 8-9 a day after surgery, but I wouldn't rec that to anyone but a nutjob like myself!


Well-Known Member
Dont take this the wrong way because im not being a dick. If you dont like weed then why are you on this website?
This is a anything but weed forum...... too bad its not a anything but weed and d-bags, not that it would help.......but then I could just ask if you read the forum sign....


Well-Known Member
When takeing hydro. the most dangerous part is the asprin that is mixed with it . I know several people that have taken very large doses 20-30 7.5's daily but most of them have devolped liver problems

You could always mix them with some soma or promethazine , some people love to mix them with benzo's


Well-Known Member
If you're taking that many on a regular basis, you should be doing simple cold water extractions.

Man I haven't had a soma in years. People used to just give out handfulls of them. Now I hear people charge like 2 bucks a pop lol.


Well-Known Member
ive got a few ppounds on yeah and I wasn't impressed either, so I DEMANDED lol a stronger medication. 10/325 View attachment 2801174View attachment 2801175I have a few titanium screws and a convientant plate in my body that seem to "shift" overtime. They have given me these since 2008, as for the fungus well these are just afew of meh favorite things! I ate 8-9 a day after surgery, but I wouldn't rec that to anyone but a nutjob like myself!
So how does oxy compare? I've never taken it, but dilaudid makes puke like a fire hydrant


hydrocodone gets me going top speed but then i need to keep taking more and more. I have never not benged through a bottle of vicodin or norco...i dont go out of my way to buy it but if someone offers me a pill its hard to say no. I could stay up all night on hydrocodone..... back when i smoked cigs that was the fucking best..... nicotine and hydrocodone are lovers
hydrocodone / vics are mixed with a lot of asprin/ tylenol in it which is bad for u I've seen so many ppl try pills like vics percs n few other but in the end there all doin bad strung out stealin from friends u see ppl loose there morals from dope unlike weed which is natuaral n doesent have a physical addiction like opiois soon enough they all end up n rehab for herion nwhich is just a step up from pills mynfriend I advise u stay away from pharmisutical drugs I kno it not my plac to say somthin justnfigured id say somthing cuz ur whole being on a herbal growing furum asking ppl how much vic u can eat seems lke ur a pretty uneducated kid who needs push n the right direction ur need to take more n more is a talerence which will b addiction which will lead down a bad path so I advise no hydrocodone put the pills down say no to drugs n pick up a joint


Well-Known Member
hydrocodone / vics are mixed with a lot of asprin/ tylenol in it which is bad for u I've seen so many ppl try pills like vics percs n few other but in the end there all doin bad strung out stealin from friends u see ppl loose there morals from dope unlike weed which is natuaral n doesent have a physical addiction like opiois soon enough they all end up n rehab for herion nwhich is just a step up from pills mynfriend I advise u stay away from pharmisutical drugs I kno it not my plac to say somthin justnfigured id say somthing cuz ur whole being on a herbal growing furum asking ppl how much vic u can eat seems lke ur a pretty uneducated kid who needs push n the right direction ur need to take more n more is a talerence which will b addiction which will lead down a bad path so I advise no hydrocodone put the pills down say no to drugs n pick up a joint


Well-Known Member
do you take an opiate blocker? lol how do you not feel anything 2 nights in a row? im 300 and i feel nice on 10 nicer on 20 and great on 30! i nod at 30...but the aspirin is a bitch! need to try that cold water extraction shit...


Well-Known Member
hydrocodone / vics are mixed with a lot of asprin/ tylenol in it which is bad for u I've seen so many ppl try pills like vics percs n few other but in the end there all doin bad strung out stealin from friends u see ppl loose there morals from dope unlike weed which is natuaral n doesent have a physical addiction like opiois soon enough they all end up n rehab for herion nwhich is just a step up from pills mynfriend I advise u stay away from pharmisutical drugs I kno it not my plac to say somthin justnfigured id say somthing cuz ur whole being on a herbal growing furum asking ppl how much vic u can eat seems lke ur a pretty uneducated kid who needs push n the right direction ur need to take more n more is a talerence which will b addiction which will lead down a bad path so I advise no hydrocodone put the pills down say no to drugs n pick up a joint
Somehow I get the impression you have no idea what you're talking about. The body can take 4,000 mg of acetaminophen a day. And just because something is "natural" doesn't mean it's good for you. Natural means jack shit. Heroin is not a "step up" from Vicodin. You have no idea what the hell you're talking about. You can't spell a single word correctly in your entire paragraph.


Active Member
i usually eat 6 7.5/500s a day. one at 12pm with a fatty meal, 1 at 3pm with water, 1 at 5 pm with a bowl of whatever soup of the day we are serving and another one in between 7:30-8 ishand to top it off 2 at 10pm with a fatty supper. so dosing it that way eases my pain away and then by 5:30 the "stacking" effect takes place and i get a nice itch and by the end of the night i have been pain free for 6-8 hours and will continue to be for another 5-6 or so, and quite high...

that is when i can get tabs in plenty, if not i buy a couple trams from a coworker or pt. i do plan on ordering my own trams soon though as they work great for me and get me real faded too


Well-Known Member
I can take 4 perc 10's a day if needed mind you. I can handle 10 a day i'd bet. My energy is gonna be focused on golden teacher shroomery for the next few months, that going to a.c to see phish and trip meh balls off and stuff!


Well-Known Member
Smoking weed is natural? nature lights up your bowl? fine then, nature makes me hydrocodone pills when i want them. There is nothing Natural about marijuana at all. Nature grew some hearty shwag about 10,000-15,000 years ago that began being developed with husbandry. No veggie we eat or fruit or especially marijuana plant has been 'natural' since. Almost every helpful plant you know has been developed through husbandry/agriculture. except the cactus.... that is ancient.... cant really fuck with a cactus. dinosaurs did not fuck with the cactus..... but make no mistake, Mescalito is not natural, he is not from around here. or maybe mescalito IS natural...lts hard to tell without having an adult conversation with him..... hes so childish half the time....


Well-Known Member
I was eating a granola bar all stoned and started reading the ingredients.... fuck my life, I'm dying of cancer for sure, Hey chemists out there what the fuck is BHT?!

Marijuana is no replacement for hydrocodone nature boy, say that after you have a slipped disc in the back or a minor surgery on a cist. I would kick the doctor in the nuts if he gave me a joint for the pain.


Well-Known Member
Dont take this the wrong way because im not being a dick. If you dont like weed then why are you on this website?
t the

Firstly, I am not on the pot portion of the site but the "anything OTHER than pot" portion. Secondly, if you delve into my journal you will see that just because I don't like it doesn't mean that I don't involve myself in the culture and have a penchant for aspects of growing it. A lot like talking to a farmer who grows corn and HATES the taste of corn. "if you don't like corn, sir, why the hell do you subscribe to all the corn growing journals, and keep up with the latest advances on the growing and processing of corn"? I think marijuana is one of the most fascinating plants in nature, I think it is a beautiful plant, an enigmatic organism, a wonder, and I know that my not liking it does not detract from the richness of the culture, the effects, the history, and in many cases the personalities of thoses who DO like it.

What I also find interesting is the feeling of superiority that many pot smokers aquire, hell we had it way back when we thought we were better than "juicers", or those who made their particular culture about beer, or wine, or spirits. Now, for the most part, in my travels and conversations I rarely encounter evangelical drug users. I have yet to talk to a person who honestly recommends that others take up the practice of smoking ice. I don't find heroin users extoling the virtues of their drug of choice, they may offer, they may describe the effects but they don't evangalize. The same holds for every drug out there with the very possible exception of LSD, it has been a long time since I have heard anyone actively trying to proclaim that LSD is the magic cure all for societal and personal ills, they simply offer, and then go do what it is they do. They don't proclaim that theirs is the best drug, theirs is the superior drug, that theres is the "only drug", they simply state facts with little or no preaching, except for those who actually preach to others that their drug is NOT such a wonderful thing to become involved in.

All of those drugs, no evangelism, except for one. Pot. Pot users (not all, not all, I'll say it again, not ALL), are prone to attempting not only to convince others that their drug of choice is utterly benign (it is not), but that everyone should smoke it - not "try it" but become emersed in it. They attribute magical properties to it, they extole its virtues, and above all, they condemn other drug users as somehow inferior. They go on and on about "natural", they chide, scold and scoff at anyone who finds other drugs, some just as natural though admittedly more dangerous on a physical level, just as entertaining or alluring. See if I am not right, as recorded even in this sub topic. I have even heard and read people who say "I don't take drugs, I only smoke pot" - and actually meaning what they say.

I have yet to understand why pot, among all the other mood changing or preception changing chemicals out there has this effect upon people - or are people that have this trait naturaly drawn to pot? I dunno.

In the end, I am sorry I don't like to (let's be more precise here), smoke or otherwise ingest pot), I don't understand why people like it as much as they do and surmise that it must be that it has a different effect upon me than it does on others. I have asked them and never ever gotten a satisfactory answer. Pot seems to overtake my personality, my thought processes, my emotions, it, to me is far more powerful than any of the non-hallucinogenics, including heroin and speed. I will very rarely smoke it with company, I will very rarely smoke it alone unless it is before a movie I believe will not be too complex to enjoy. On occasion, when I wish to sleep, I might smoke a few puffs of this or that, and those folks I have met on this site can confirm that my smoke is rather unique, but when I do smoke just before bed time I run the risk of not going to sleep - then I will be forced to endure not only the sleeplessness but being high, with my thoughts racing down the same worn paths, concious of every noise and smell, flicker or movement for hours.


Well-Known Member
hydrocodone / vics are mixed with a lot of asprin/ tylenol in it which is bad for u I've seen so many ppl try pills like vics percs n few other but in the end there all doin bad strung out stealin from friends u see ppl loose there morals from dope unlike weed which is natuaral n doesent have a physical addiction like opiois soon enough they all end up n rehab for herion nwhich is just a step up from pills mynfriend I advise u stay away from pharmisutical drugs I kno it not my plac to say somthin justnfigured id say somthing cuz ur whole being on a herbal growing furum asking ppl how much vic u can eat seems lke ur a pretty uneducated kid who needs push n the right direction ur need to take more n more is a talerence which will b addiction which will lead down a bad path so I advise no hydrocodone put the pills down say no to drugs n pick up a joint
"say no to drugs n pick up a joint". didn't take but a second to find an example of what I am saying. ALL drugs, "natural" (whatever that means" or "unnatural" have inherent in them a balance. A sliding scale of value to a particular human. Marijuana seems to have a balance that is on the + side (of course the government itself found it necessary to make that scale balance anyway). Meth happens to have more detrimental effects than adventageous effects - but do not deny that it does have some redeeming value. Each person must weigh those substances for themselves. There are no "bad" drugs, just drugs with less value to the individual than others.Some drugs put your gamble up front (like LSD), some put the gamble on the back end (like strong opiates) but even pot, that panacea, has negative effects. I have seen people live out their PTSD under an over dose of hash and have to be saved from themselves.

I have seen pot bring out the latent homosexuality of a guy, who in another age would have had no problems "coming out" but in that age, he wound up killing himself over it. I have seen pot induced psychosis, I have seen many young adult's social growth retarded by constant use of pot. I claim to be one of them, even though I would not, were I to go back, change much of anything - I believe it took me years more than other non-pot smokers learn how to behave in a mature and adjusted fashion among others - especially non-pot smokers.

Many studies indicate that chronic use of THC inhibits the human immune system (yes, I know that certain studies indicate that perhaps it has anti-cancer properties, but be honest, does anyone here smoke in the strict interest of those properties alone?) OK? Does that make the substance bad? does that make the consumption of that substance bad? not at all, but there are no benign drugs, not even our precious cannabis.


Well-Known Member
do you take an opiate blocker? lol how do you not feel anything 2 nights in a row? im 300 and i feel nice on 10 nicer on 20 and great on 30! i nod at 30...but the aspirin is a bitch! need to try that cold water extraction shit...
Although cold water extraction is always wise, wiser still would be to limit one's daily consumption of hydrocodone to less than the amount that would have you injest over 3000 mg of apap. I presume that we are all drinkers here and that 4000 mg limit is for non-drinkers. Beyond that, even WITH a doctor's prescription, daily consumption of hydro for long periods of time is unwise, especially with the concomitant load of apap. Ease up on everything, enjoy the smallest amounts that get you where you want to do, redose sparingly, conserve your tolerance and you conserve your drug supply as well as your ability to feel the wonderful effects of these drugs. Some say you should take hydro on a stomach full of fatty foods, I have found differently,

I find that you will get the best effects on an utterly empty stomach, usually in the morning after a good night's sleep. F Finally, if you can't feel 30 mg as a novice user and you are sure of what you have ingested, and perhaps you have taken a potentiator, then, sad as it is, this drug probably isn't for you. At this late date, I can usually feel quite nice on 15 to 25 mg of hydro for a good 4 or 5 hours and I weigh about 100 lbs more than you.


Well-Known Member
I was eating a granola bar all stoned and started reading the ingredients.... fuck my life, I'm dying of cancer for sure, Hey chemists out there what the fuck is BHT?!

Marijuana is no replacement for hydrocodone nature boy, say that after you have a slipped disc in the back or a minor surgery on a cist. I would kick the doctor in the nuts if he gave me a joint for the pain.

Damn straight. I have recently helped a number of people die, all from cancer. I have given them pot for the nausea, not just from the chemo but from the pain meds themselves but to believe that pot can relieve the sort of pain these people endured is near sadistic and certainly idealistic.

There is no replacement in the "natural" world for morphine (natural anyway), fentanyl, opana or dilaudid - none. To hand a man dying from pancreatic cancer a joint" and tell him to rip off his patch or throw away his oxy for breakthrough is in my opinion a horror too nasty to contemplate, let alone the possibility that the pot itself will focus the pain and have the victim dive into a contemplative circle of hell "I am going to die", "I can almost see the cancer cells withing me consuming my body". Pt is not the "only answer, or the only drug anyone ever needs".

Not by a long shot.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
How much hydrocodone do you usually take to "make the pain go away"? I'm 135 lbs, and took 30 mg and I'm not impressed.

Have you not found a strain of Cannabis that helps with pain management?? I am pretty beat up. I have some serious injuries that have kicked my ass for years. Doctors put me back together best they could but pain never goes away and as I have grown older the pain has only increased. I was under a pain management program for a very long time but I eventually got to the point where I realized that the pain killers were going to kill me faster then anything that was hurting so I just said Fuck it and got off that shit. My tolerence was extremely high and Opiats are highly addictive....I saw myself slipping away into a place that was NO GOOD!!

Cannabis has been life changing for me. It does not kill the pain completely but it does take the edge off and helps relax my mind and body and also helps cut down on anxiety ( strain dependent ) levels that can be quite high due to the pain. Its not perfect but it is without a doubt very helpful. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do but my advice to anyone who suffers from any type of chronic pain is to try Cannabis first. Opiats are Fucken dangerous just based on the fact that they are highly addictive...thats not including everything else that comes with that SHIT!

There is an epidemic of opiate addiction across the US and it has no social, race, econimic, religious barriers of any kind. Its our kids, judges, lawyers, doctors, teachers...ETC. It plays favorites with no one!

Good luck getting that pain under sucks to live with that but it would suck worse to become addicted to any opiate drug....
