How much Grow Big Nutes should I use For MY PURPLE KUSH AUTO


Active Member
I am growing Purple Kush Auto, and I am on day 10. I want to add my Fox Farm Trio "Grow Big" nutes. I know I only use 1/4 of what the recommended amount calls for, but if you look at my pics, should I use 1/4 of what the bottle says for SEEDLINGS, or 1/4 of what the bottle says for GENERAL FEEDING? Thanks! :)

Well-Known Member
They do not need much nutrients at this stage too much can stunt them. Use 1/5 to 1/4 the dosage on the bottle. Go with 1/5 at first, when they start show a burst in growth start feeding them a half then gradually work your way up. Also if you are using fox farm nutrient trio open sesame beastie bloomz and cha ching use 1/3-1/2 the recommended dosage never go higher, start out with a 1/4. You will stunt and shock the shit out of your autos if you give them a full dosage.

What happens with a lot of growers with autos is they start to feed them too much and the plant doesnt grow much so they keep feeding it more nutrients thinking it needs more. In the end they have a very small plant with a 16 gram yield... Autos like small amounts of nutrients, the less the nutrients the faster the plant will grow. If you start to see the bottom leaves yellowing kick up feeding. But do not feed them too much and I promise you will see the results.


Well-Known Member
^^^ it depends on the strain, I was using fox farm for my autos and like you said you should start out with 1/4 of what it says on the bottle, and all you really need is some flowering nutes but then it all depends on the plant. my last grow with autos them bitches couldn't get enough of nutes, and I had one auto that didn't like nutes at all, so like I said it all depends on the strain. You can go over 1/2 dosage But you should never go over a full dosage.

You should start feeding your autos around 3-4 week mark, and go from there...they will let you know if they need anything, just keep an eye on them and they will tell you that their are hungry.
I agree with acidjesus, u shouldnt b feesing ur seedlings or plants till the 4th week of growing. ( depending on the soil u are using) if u are using oceanforrest or happy frog or roots organic ect. Then ur good for atleast 3-5 weeks before u give them any nutes.
And last but not least, change ur nutes dude. Dont cheap skate ur way thru the plant food it makes HUGE diff. In quality. Fox farm nutes were made for other plants like vegtables an what not. Where as ADVANCED NUTRIENTS is made strictly for cannabis. Do some home work and find. Nute company dedicated to cannabis. There are a few companies but i find advanced nutrs is the best. God bless bud candy!!! Major trichomes produced with using their bud candy. Thats wat i wS tought at weed college ( oaksterdam university) amd i am tje valedictorian of my class but what do i know. Good luck bud. Peac...
Dr. Bones