How Much Exercise Do You Get Per Week?

How many hours per week do you workout?

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Well-Known Member
Also, what is your current weight?

Why do you get ________ amount of exercise per week?

Do you feel inclined to workout/exercise, or do you feel it's not that important?

Why do you do it? Be it workout 7 days a week for 5 hours a day or simply live your life without worrying so much about your physical appearance or health?
I Have to tell you folks....tonight I worked out 4 full songs while banging the wife...longest working out for the past 15 years

thank god for day time smoke!

Does chronic masturbation count? Its kind of like one armed pushups.. i mostly favor my left, sumtimes switch to the right, and once in a while get both workn that... u aint got nuthn if u cant wrap it with both hands and hav a little to play with at the top....:bigjoint:
Does chronic masturbation count? Its kind of like one armed pushups.. i mostly favor my left, sumtimes switch to the right, and once in a while get both workn that... u aint got nuthn if u cant wrap it with both hands and hav a little to play with at the top....:bigjoint:
Turtle Island?
meet the wife is 37 years younger than me!!!!

my hands have not the time to dilly dally like yours
I have my total gym set up right next to me. i spend about 1-3 hrs a week looking at it...thinking about using it.... i did at one time, then my whole schedule got fucked up, and never got back to it...
i do a decent amount of walking every week but that's about it. gym memberships are expensive and it's a major chore to drive all the way there and wait for machines and smell that smell. i don't have anyplace to put equipment of my own. my fat ass could use an elliptical and some free weights, though. i was shoveling snow the other day and my heart rate got up to 170 in 10 minutes and i had to stop and breathe. in my defense it was wet snow and it was like cement and i was tossing it over a 6 foot fence at a brisk pace, but i'm a few months shy of 30 years old and i should be able to shovel snow without stopping after 10 minutes. smoking butts doesn't help, but that shit is depressing. i cussed myself out.
I get up at 4:30 ,smoke myself up and study sanchin-ryu until 6. This has actually taken away alot of joint pain and stiffness I was having.
Soon I shall be awarded my brown belt.:-P
I get a good 14+ hours a week of moderate+ exercise.

I have been certified NASM as a personal trainer, as well as having an APEX nutritionist cert. Furthermore, my family is highly into sports and physical activity, so I'm always doing something. Whether it is lifting, or playing football/basketball, we do something everyday.

Not to overstep this thread, but if anyone ever wants help with a routine or diet, send me a message and I can help you out; its a passion of mine.
I have my total gym set up right next to me. i spend about 1-3 hrs a week looking at it...thinking about using it.... i did at one time, then my whole schedule got fucked up, and never got back to it...

ya dude most people are like that. Until you get in the habit of working out. I was like that, until about 4 weeks ago. I used to work out like 7 days outta the month tops but now im working out 5-7 days a really seeing a difference in my abs now and im packing on weight. :) you just gotta get in a routine, shouldnt take long( 1 1/2 - 2 weeks) and you will WANT to excercise. this sounds concieded but, you could use a mirror, it may motivate you. it motivates me, I like seeing myself getting more and more pumped up as the workout gets longer. when im done I look like what I wanna look like. And now I actually am starting to look like that when im not working out.
Does anyone work out after they smoke? I noticed a lot of the time when I smoke, it causes me to work out. I havent smoked in like 2 months...but when I was...right after I would excersice...strange.. maybe it had a good amount of sativa? idk
I consider my work to be a good workout. I do tree work so climbing trees with chainsaw in hand then lugging the logs around after is hard work so I say I'm working out almost 50 hours a week.
i think i wiegh 104, every time i do step on a scale it reads that, not about appearance but health and its just the way to get around. ive found that people are really fucking lazy, it doesnt take much to get started and you stop paying attion to the distance. but people dont realize this at all.
I workout 5 days a week for about an hour a day during Winter so I don't get muscle atrophy from sitting around the house.
I get up at 4:30 ,smoke myself up and study sanchin-ryu until 6. This has actually taken away alot of joint pain and stiffness I was having.
Soon I shall be awarded my brown belt.:-P

Took Goju ryu for about 3 years when I was younger... still remember some of the kata's too

but dont exercise much anymore.. usual yard work stuff.. too old to care anymore about extending my life or living 100% healthy