How much does pH matter


Well-Known Member
damn u want to keep it around 15 degrees below your day temps which is about 75-80 so that would make it like no lower than 65f if u want purple or discover what color it turns 50f to 60f is the range


Well-Known Member
I'm using HPS lights and they keep the temp pretty much the same no matter what. I will say this bori is right, cold temps make purple in your buds. I've never done the heating pad thing but will keep it in mind. I have a fan on my plants at all times to keep the temps down from 80 plus to a mid 70s Hot lights and hot temps equal burned up plant.


Well-Known Member
I am keeping the room at 70-80 while the lights are on, and I still havent tried it with the lights off...


Well-Known Member
i think the coldest its gotten so far is like 56. but i cleared the temp memory for the new light setup data...


Well-Known Member
true +rep but still most people dont need them because
  1. soil is ph'd
  2. most drinking water is fine
Well, hopefully the soil is ph'd properly, its not always, and some people use miracle grow.... if they dont know better... lol.

Drinking water is fine, but then again people new to growing probly use tap water....

Another thing about PH, If using tap water, I test once before adding nutes, and test again after. Not all nutes have a ph buffer and some nutes discolor your water so if youre using a drop tester that changes color, your reading will be inaccurate.

For those of us who dont want to keep buying distilled water, one of these is easily found on ebay.... now this was a quick search i didnt research the item listed but it is just an example and it does 50 gallons a day!

DRINKING RO REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER FILTER SYSTEM 50 GPD - eBay (item 130263818453 end time Oct-27-08 23:03:57 PDT)

Oh, btw.... I didnt get any rep :cry: :cuss: bongsmilie :hump:

i found this too|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318


Well-Known Member
Yes, purple did start to show in the plants. However that plant never made it to flowering. No fear though, once I get going good again I will start a journal.

I am not using Miracle Grow, I am using organic soil from a indoor garden store. Also, if using bottled water (which I have done, on ONE plant) what is the average pH of it, if someone can go test and report back (brands and what not are important)... but my point on bottled water is; most bottled water contains salt, isn't this bad?


Well-Known Member
Yes, purple did start to show in the plants. However that plant never made it to flowering. No fear though, once I get going good again I will start a journal.

I am not using Miracle Grow, I am using organic soil from a indoor garden store. Also, if using bottled water (which I have done, on ONE plant) what is the average pH of it, if someone can go test and report back (brands and what not are important)... but my point on bottled water is; most bottled water contains salt, isn't this bad?
Distilled water is what youre looking to pick up, not just bottled drinking water and the average PH is 6.0.


Well-Known Member
Distilled water is what youre looking to pick up, not just bottled drinking water and the average PH is 6.0.
Thank you. I will have to go pick up a bunch of distilled water so that I can try that out. How about boiling water? Does that produce usable water?

Personally, I am trying to find the best method of watering for my location... my previous place of living had a much better way of getting quality water and nutes to my plants. Hard to explain, but basically its the difference between living in a large fully outfitted house to living in an apartment...


Well-Known Member
actully tap is safer its tested more often and who know wat chemicals bottles contain

Plus now I hear all over that the plastic leaches into it and they are saying that it has a bad chemical. I looked up my water PH from my water provider and they said it averaged 7+ almost 8 so if my hodunk lil town has that info I bet yours does too. Plus we had a mill here that is a clean up site from the EPA about a block away maybe that's why they post the shit in our water.


Well-Known Member
plus now i hear all over that the plastic leaches into it and they are saying that it has a bad chemical. I looked up my water ph from my water provider and they said it averaged 7+ almost 8 so if my hodunk lil town has that info i bet yours does too. Plus we had a mill here that is a clean up site from the epa about a block away maybe that's why they post the shit in our water.
humm im gonna look that up asap

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
tbh i only ever check ph if i see any problems with the plants , if you know your plants well you can instantly see any problems starting , i allso use soil with added time release nutes in it and ive never had any problems with it .i think the problems start with time released ferts is when you drown it with water every day , which alot of new growers tend to do .
but yeah i think a ph meter is a must , but not allways needed every grow .


Well-Known Member
tbh i only ever check ph if i see any problems with the plants , if you know your plants well you can instantly see any problems starting , i allso use soil with added time release nutes in it and ive never had any problems with it .i think the problems start with time released ferts is when you drown it with water every day , which alot of new growers tend to do .
But yeah i think a ph meter is a must , but not allways needed every grow .
i agree pal im gonna need one tho for my hydro but im too cheap so im getting strips


Well-Known Member
I think PH checking is very important-even for soil. Some folks like Maryjanedoe are blessed with good growing water, but some folks aren't - well water comes to mind. My community gets water from seven different wells and it then gets blended and pumped into the water supply. At times I have some very basic water and it really needs PH down.