How much do you smoke per sitting?

^^No offense but 4 grand for a P is fucking ridiculous. I don't care if it's the strongest shit alive.

Also I just came back from a trip from Vancouver and smoked some "good shit" and it was pretty cool but I would never pay that much for Canadian, American, Mexican, ANY KIND of weed.


P.S. I have'nt reached my limit of smoking yet. We always run out of weed. I don't grow as of yet but I am sure I will find out when I start.


i donate to the clubs. i recieve up 4000 per lb in recovery costs from them. they in turn recieve 360 an oz from their members. or 50 1/8. these are standard local prices. nothing new, nothing out of the ordinary.

i donate to the clubs. i recieve up 4000 per lb in recovery costs from them. they in turn recieve 360 an oz from their members. or 50 1/8. these are standard local prices. nothing new, nothing out of the ordinary.

Wow, I have'nt heard of prices like that around here. I have been smoking for a very long time but never really got into detail with it until now. I guess we learn something new everyday.

I just went and REREAD the WHOLE FUCKING thing that I wrote, and NOWHERE was the term "dank" mentioned. Those are the AVERAGE PRICES for BULLSHIT WEED HERE. Learn to read, and don't put words in my mouth.

I dont smoke shitty weed. I wont. I wont drink cheap wine, and I wont smoke cheap weed.
I DONT PAY FOR MY SUPPLY. Thus, I dont know how much its going for.

I love you all, but damn.

Im in Texas....Pound here is $230 to $275....oz about $25-35 depending on what youre getting.So, i can afford to smoke myself into oblivion.
So which one is it?:confused:
i donate to the clubs. i recieve up 4000 per lb in recovery costs from them. they in turn recieve 360 an oz from their members. or 50 1/8. these are standard local prices. nothing new, nothing out of the ordinary.


i mean " A FRIEND OF MINE DONATES TO.........." sorry about that. hope this clears things up.
well when i had lots of money i would session out anywhere from a quarter to a half depending what was around... as i got a little older i smoked about 1/2 an eighth a day by myself... but when i'm with friends we can still go through a quarter a sitting... hell i've rolled an ounce into one blunt before... so i don't doubt people smoked more then that... but that shit get gets expensive so i wouldn't recommend right now i can't smoke shit because of a job... but one day soon
The love just keeps growing in this thread!
I smoke day and night - work and play... I manage many people, and couldnt do it without a mild buzz...

Me and my wife go through about a 1/4 oz a day,
around a QP every 2 1/2 weeks -
QP for $240 in phoenix for mids (see, theres lots of us out there...)
this is not SHWAG - it is mids to low mids - the shwag runs about $250-$400 a pound....

The more you have... the more you smoke...
There is no quality here, so thats why im on this board.
Major i know you agree with me, if your pay that little... thats the quality.

Maybe up here in canada we just have premo, i know there is shake in edmonton, my town doesent have much shake, but we dont have 900,000 people here. only 75,000. ive had edmonton dro and it gets me real high 1-2 bowls and im good for a lil while. same with the quality here.

TX must have the Biggest case of shake... canada has a Yearly profit of 7billion dollers of marijuana grown, Most of it is shipped to the states.
your towns with this 30 doller oz... and 200 pounds.. Obviously did not get eny of canada's supply's. they got all of Mexico's shake.

the price's in the states of canadian Quality weed is.... $500 American an OZ. $1500 American a QP. $4000 American a P.

Wow talk about uninformed. Those overhyped 'BC Buds' are considered mids in SoCal go for about half of what this fool is talking about.
You know what guys...I think we have more then established the fact that diff things, go for diff prices, diff places. To each their own.
When its just me and i want some weed, i'll get like a 10 sack from my hook. i cant wait to grow my own.

but yeah, i'll smoke maybe 2 bowls alone, maybe a joint and a bowl.
but if im with friends, we smoke at least an 8th if not a whole quarter.

im baked off my ass right now too. shit, we've all been stoned for the past 3 days. and im higher than before right now, comming down on 3 days straight. lol.