Well-Known Member
Same here.. I share with 2 (female)When im sitting fat I will sometimes smoke up to a half ounce of kill a day. Maybe i should get one of those iv's. lol

Same here.. I share with 2 (female)When im sitting fat I will sometimes smoke up to a half ounce of kill a day. Maybe i should get one of those iv's. lol
grammes? Else, you're full of shit.
'course, I could be wrong. I'm thinking about myself. I smoke all day long, but obviously you were answering the question per sitting. You could be with friends. If I'm with friends then i suppose I'd go through a bit more.
like i said..i smoke between a quater and a half a day..i didnt think it was that confusing.if you are just that stupid thats between 7-14 g's.which after a few blunts really isnt that much.
hey... mo', is mo' short for moron?
now what did you do mo? i've been away from this thread. i can go to the club, pick up an 1/8 of the kill. go home sit down with the bong and kill the bag in an afternoon evening. that doesn't include the morning. so a 1/4 a day, totally reasonable. i literally have 1/4 lb jars of bud stashed everywhere. different flavor for every hour of the day. i have a camera if any one would like to see it all. the stuff is piling up. i tried to donate a 1lb yestarday to the club. he only needed 1/2. so now what. what do i do with all my EXTRA weed? i can't give it away. oh, i am serious. do i chop it all up and make hash? i have a bunch of A- outdoor that i've been trying to dump since oct. no one wants it. to much A+ indoor everywhere.
I can, honestly, smoke as much weed as I want. I still only go through (on average) an oz a week. I've been smoking solid (non-stop) for 7 years.
man, u gotta understand, in the US at least, there a huge culture that smokes as much as possible all the time. kinda of a macho thing. hip hop has seriously taken over our youth. rappers with too much money become infamous for being big time pot heads and now every kid that starts smoking weed wants to be snoop dog. i know a guy that picks up a oz a day, sells 1/4 a smokes the rest himself. the selling pretty much takes care of the cash needed for the next day.
mo, are u a sativa smoker or do u go indica?
good thing i'm not hip hop. i would smoke an ounce a day. i'm in pain. i'm medicated on weed. i smoke first thing in the morning to leviate the pain from sleeping. i medicate at night to sleep. i medicate all day to stay on my feet. i personally smoke the sativas all day and the indo at night.