How much do you smoke per sitting?

I smoke one spliff aday,,,,its about 12in long 4 cigs inside and about 2 1/2 grams of mix, nice hash and a touch of home grown...start it about 8 in the evening after kids go to bed untill i crash....then finsh it with coffee in the morning before i go to work....sweet
You must smoke some Shitty ass weed... like Aragino if it costs u 220 a or ur just lieing out of ur ass..
Nah, it's regular commercial weed. It's not good, but it's not dirt. It's got some seeds. And talk about cheap, this past weekend I wound up paying 100 dollars even for 3.5 oz's.
Dude, im sorry but i do NOT belive you, unless you live in mexico and are paying in paceo's, thats the only way im going to belive you. cause where i come from its 650tops for DANK weed, for the shittiest weed in my town its likt 400-500bucks a QP, and it still gets you high, but for 200 bucks, thats like picking up grass clipings and smoking them.
$400 for schwag hahahaha you paid that, a QP in Tx cost $100 no shit and a LB is $250, Schwag is really cheep and lately pretty good. Good Bud is 400-550
Dude, im sorry but i do NOT belive you, unless you live in mexico and are paying in paceo's, thats the only way im going to belive you. cause where i come from its 650tops for DANK weed, for the shittiest weed in my town its likt 400-500bucks a QP, and it still gets you high, but for 200 bucks, thats like picking up grass clipings and smoking them.
Damn. That sucks.

Yeah, I know someone who went to Texas and got O's of reg. for $30.
I always get someone to throw in like 240 and get themselves like a QP, and I'll throw in the rest to get myself the other QP, and wind up paying like $35 an O.
i dont smoke during the day anymroe cause a school so i smoke a couple fattys before work then roll up up a few and smoke em at work or on days off jus go hit my bong and smoke at least an eigth in one sitting
Usually smoke anywhere from about an 1/8 to a full oz a day depending on my mood, who i'm around, and where i'm at. The usual day at home I can get by on a nice spliff in the mornin followed by various gravity bong hits throughout the day, followed by a joint when the girlfriend gets home, go smoke a blunt with the guys, a bowl and a few more gravity bong hits when i get back home = usually about a 1/4 will last us a day.
Im in Texas....Pound here is $230 to $275....oz about $25-35 depending on what youre getting.So, i can afford to smoke myself into oblivion.
Im going now on about a little more than half of an 8th each round, sometimes 1-2 times a day. So about an 8th of an oz a day.... Indeed.
K HONESTLY EVERYONE SAYING 275 for a pound stop bullshitting, cause its not dank if its that price, is it 1 doller for a half o? 2 dollers for a o? is magical weed land? unless you are smoking the rankest shit alive, those prices are obsered.
Thank you.

Major i know you agree with me, if your pay that little... thats the quality.

Maybe up here in canada we just have premo, i know there is shake in edmonton, my town doesent have much shake, but we dont have 900,000 people here. only 75,000. ive had edmonton dro and it gets me real high 1-2 bowls and im good for a lil while. same with the quality here.

TX must have the Biggest case of shake... canada has a Yearly profit of 7billion dollers of marijuana grown, Most of it is shipped to the states.
your towns with this 30 doller oz... and 200 pounds.. Obviously did not get eny of canada's supply's. they got all of Mexico's shake.

the price's in the states of canadian Quality weed is.... $500 American an OZ. $1500 American a QP. $4000 American a P.
^^No offense but 4 grand for a P is fucking ridiculous. I don't care if it's the strongest shit alive.

Also I just came back from a trip from Vancouver and smoked some "good shit" and it was pretty cool but I would never pay that much for Canadian, American, Mexican, ANY KIND of weed.


P.S. I have'nt reached my limit of smoking yet. We always run out of weed. I don't grow as of yet but I am sure I will find out when I start.

I just went and REREAD the WHOLE FUCKING thing that I wrote, and NOWHERE was the term "dank" mentioned. Those are the AVERAGE PRICES for BULLSHIT WEED HERE. Learn to read, and don't put words in my mouth.

I dont smoke shitty weed. I wont. I wont drink cheap wine, and I wont smoke cheap weed.
I DONT PAY FOR MY SUPPLY. Thus, I dont know how much its going for.

I love you all, but damn.