How many use/used coots mix from buildasoil?(Think my cat peed in my soil that’s “cooking.”)

Why are you concerned at all? Your cat could have peed in it daily for months and it would be 100% fine, if anything, it would help kick up the soil's composting action a notch or two. No worries dude, your soil is good to go. Just be sure you start turning it over if it's been laying in a pile for months.
i honestly can’t even confirm he peed IN it, I’ve just seen him and pee on top of it and didn’t realize how often he was doing it... but part of the tarp was not covering the soil so I assumed it was peed on.
I’m going to go for it guys, I Havnt watered the soil in like 1.5-2 months so I’m going to check it out tonight and I’ll report back!

Got me a little excited to grow out the cat piss strain, cat piss soil x black dog strain = catdog
Why are people so weird about pee? Its just nitrogen! Human urine, from someone on a low sodium diet, is basically the perfect cannabis veg fertilizer(although I prefer composts). I have grown with urine in the past and it does great. Cat urine is basically just more concentrated and has less salt in it. Its actually great fertilizer; its just too strong though. Over a pile of 100 gallons though the cat would have to piss a dozen times or more before I would even start to worry about it.