How many times can you clone?

Jesus I hate "briefs"! So many derive so much from so little information.

The plant tested thalecress is in the Mustard family (how did I know! Some form of mustard plant is the "go to" plant for college lab testing). Our plant is from a whole different family and a rather tight one too. They have similarities and big differences. Mustard plants are used because they have a wide base of similarities to other plants and are easy to grow and don't take up a lot of space.
This has implications but, I would be more inclined to greater interest if it was done on a plant from our family - even hops! Hops has lots of good research done on it. Very directly relates to our plant!

YET, I'm going to look for the paper......I looked.....FOUND IT!

Guess what? These plant clonal changes are brought about ON PURPOSE by FN irradiation! They paper studies mutations and they force some to study!

Here is the whole paper!

Now then, remember what I said in my first line? I hate briefs! (hell, it's not even the abstract).

Still Krypto, the whole paper was fascinating!

Thanks for the link to the brief!
Hopefully now that big brothers asshole has started to unpucker maybe cannabis will be studied a little more in depth. I've seen the "genetic drift" questions asked 100 times and although I've never experienced it, I can't say it doesn't happen. For now I'll enjoy what I have, if it changes I'll find a new strain.
I do however disagree with the guy that said plants don't adapt quickly to environmental changes. It has been found the brazilian Pansy flowers have 20% to 30% lesss pedals and leaves than it did just 30 years ago leading scientists to believe it had cut it's pedal and leafy count down to adapt to new higher levels of Co2,in the atmosphere therefore leading the plant to need less foliage on it..
Hopefully now that big brothers asshole has started to unpucker maybe cannabis will be studied a little more in depth. I've seen the "genetic drift" questions asked 100 times and although I've never experienced it, I can't say it doesn't happen. For now I'll enjoy what I have, if it changes I'll find a new strain.

It's funny though sometimes. I mean I have several strains that I've had for quite awhile. Even with environmental shift in play. I only have one pheno (I have 2 destinct pheno's) of one strain (Ghost cut OG) that has done any major shifting (2 strains really, now that i think about it). Pheno #1 stays tried and true to the strain, very OG shaped in growth. Rather like a big ball cut in half, very symmetrical in growth shape. Big pyramid like buds.

Pheno #2 stayed like the #1 at first but, slipped to it's sativa side like in 3-4 cuttings. Very tall and sativa like. Longer bloom period and long more "tube" like budding.
VERY potent sativa high. Long and strong buzz that has your mind soaring, almost/rather psychedelic. Very happy and very strong! Many find themselves saying at some point - "I'm sooo high!" (with various deleted expletives between soo and high - lol). Pheno #1 has that but with more of the indica relaxation coming through around an hr or so in. Still nice but, you loose the urge to play anything over bocce (everyone looses what order your playing in and keeping score is better written down) or lounge with a Moscow Mule in your hand...

I did have a Diesel that went to smaller extremely dense buds and it also went dead nuts dark purple, almost black. VERY pine tree shape it took on..That took 2 cuttings to shift......It was something someone gave me with a twinkle in her eye (cpl a beans). I lost that in last years raid.....Had some interesting breeding potential. (Taking note) I'll have to ring her up and see about procuring that one again!

Other then those. Not much shifting and I never see it in older or pure to very near pure strains.....
I have had a Romulan strain since '02, keeping it through cloning. Loss of any genetics is absolutely false. It's the oldest strain and still one of the best in the garden. Great topic. I never understood why people rely on seeds. Only time I use seeds is to introduce a new strain.

I still have a weak spot for and old school skunk x romulan cross I did many years ago.....But seeds I do have, for/from breeding projects...Mainly trade for clones of the wanted strains with others, when new things need to be employed....
You know what a good strain is? Didn't You just say that their all good?

12 years growing and you're telling people to seed a male plant?

You should take your own advice. Did you read the article linked in this thread?
A professor from the university of oxford explains why clones aren't always identical to the plant it came from. Theres some good info that's based in actual science not grow forum folklore.

If your clones start to decline just flush them and cut off all the leaves, that'll fix em
well that oxford university lecturer needs to find a new fucking job cause for one you are cloning genetics and you are gunna tell me if you clone a cow or a sheep like dolly it is going to be different that just sounds fucking stupid reading it out aloud my whole hydro shop had a fucking laugh at this post no wonder america is going down the drain
You know what a good strain is? Didn't You just say that their all good?

12 years growing and you're telling people to seed a male plant?

You should take your own advice. Did you read the article linked in this thread?
A professor from the university of oxford explains why clones aren't always identical to the plant it came from. Theres some good info that's based in actual science not grow forum folklore.

If your clones start to decline just flush them and cut off all the leaves, that'll fix em
and yes you do use a male plant to seed a female is common fucking sense you twat
You know what a good strain is? Didn't You just say that their all good?

12 years growing and you're telling people to seed a male plant?

You should take your own advice. Did you read the article linked in this thread?
A professor from the university of oxford explains why clones aren't always identical to the plant it came from. Theres some good info that's based in actual science not grow forum folklore.

If your clones start to decline just flush them and cut off all the leaves, that'll fix em
post this on 420 i dare ya ill even link you my thread so you can post it you will get laughed off the webpage there is no way in hell that a clone could change well i lie if you put it in shiy grow room you may not get what every1 eles will due to hermies and factors like that but if you have a pure clone it will stay that genetics it is not gunna grow its mother genetics unless you seed out the female for a few seasons but taking a clone from a clone from a clone is always going to be the same i have many mates that keeps clones from clones for almost 12 years now and its still the same
post this on 420 i dare ya ill even link you my thread so you can post it you will get laughed off the webpage there is no way in hell that a clone could change well i lie if you put it in shiy grow room you may not get what every1 eles will due to hermies and factors like that but if you have a pure clone it will stay that genetics it is not gunna grow its mother genetics unless you seed out the female for a few seasons but taking a clone from a clone from a clone is always going to be the same i have many mates that keeps clones from clones for almost 12 years now and its still the same
I'm new and so want to like this post. How do you do that?
You know what a good strain is? Didn't You just say that their all good?

12 years growing and you're telling people to seed a male plant?

You should take your own advice. Did you read the article linked in this thread?
A professor from the university of oxford explains why clones aren't always identical to the plant it came from. Theres some good info that's based in actual science not grow forum folklore.

If your clones start to decline just flush them and cut off all the leaves, that'll fix em

I think the stress the plant is submitted to in each generation has more to do with degradation than the amount of times its been subsequently cloned. Stress can come from the plant being sick, diseased, environmental changes, having to reveg, or many other factors. Genetics and general vigor from seed also play a part. Some plants don't mind being cloned, while others get woody easily, such as OG Kush.

I know of many clones that have been around for many many generations that are just as good as the first time they were bloomed.

Willow water used on clones has shown, after subsequent generations, to strengthen vigor and help clones build resistance to pythium and powdery mildew.
You know what a good strain is? Didn't You just say that their all good?

12 years growing and you're telling people to seed a male plant?

You should take your own advice. Did you read the article linked in this thread?
A professor from the university of oxford explains why clones aren't always identical to the plant it came from. Theres some good info that's based in actual science not grow forum folklore.

If your clones start to decline just flush them and cut off all the leaves, that'll fix em
A lot of growers, myself included, use "no moms" and just take cuts before you flip.
Some Breeders (TGA) claim that they dont keep Moms either.

I simply do not have the space to keep a mom when all i need from her is 2-3 cuts every 2 months. If i had the square footage and the multiple K's of light that i needed to fill?, Moms would be the way to go.

as far as vigor is concerned: EDIT: There are Fruit Cultivars that have been cloned for HUNDREDS of years. ('bartlett pears >1800's). Some Tulips are said to go back to the 1620's. Even still, some plants 'clone' as a means of procreation. Aspens come to mind, which are thought to be "millions of years old. The Guinness Book of World Records has the oldest wild plant clone listed as the 'Kings Holly' (Lomatia tasmanica) at 43,600 years old. Comparative studies find that fossils are identical to modern samples.

It seems to reason that at the very least, that a Well-Kept, 'perpetual cloning cycle' would be on par, if not better with a 'mom plant' that has to be trimmed, root pruned, bonsai'd etc etc.
The 'Red Delicious' apple will occasionally
produce mutant branches (called sporting) that can give rise to new and
superior cultivars.
You know what a good strain is? Didn't You just say that their all good?

12 years growing and you're telling people to seed a male plant?

You should take your own advice. Did you read the article linked in this thread?
A professor from the university of oxford explains why clones aren't always identical to the plant it came from. Theres some good info that's based in actual science not grow forum folklore.

If your clones start to decline just flush them and cut off all the leaves, that'll fix em

so i dont no what that guy is smoking at uni but he needs to stop
i took a clone of gdp when gdp genetics first came around were i live that was almost 9 years ago now and she is still grand daddy purple still is purple still has the thick dense buds and still smells like some1 has died in the grow room
Yes people growing in larger scales will see a difference over time ,, its like saying can your plant catch a cold from you ???
In theory a virus is a cold so do plants catch viruses ..

We here people say they have kept same strain for 10 years seriously ??? i highly doubt it in most cases one may keep strains for a couple years then move on as your body gets immune to that high..

Or to say its impossible for strain to get effected

Evolution my friends , Ask your self why the banana is in a world of hurt ? its clone after clone after clone :)
Kept a blueberry strain going for 6-7 years and it produced thousands of clones. As for getting tired of it ..... nope, had a guy yesterday say how much he missed it lol. Never changed in that length of time but that I could see, it was always a short, hard to grow, rot prone, low yielding bitch. But it would put you into a dream state of bliss and happiness lol. It got away from us and soon it was everywhere then poof gone. We lost it due to a 14 day power outage in -15 weather lol. There wasn't a generator to be had anywhere in eastern Canada :(.
every cannabis plant is a good yeilder every cannabis plant is the perfect strain all it comes down to is thc and cbd which strain carrys the most of what it comes down to how you grow
Fuck I wish lol. Been on a strain hunt for 3-4 years and still looking :(. I may be a tad picky though, just binned this one, IMG_3017.JPG the search begins again lol.
Just an FYI you should not listen to anything rob333 has to say. his posts don't even make sense.
EXample; "ifyou have a pure clone it will stay that genetics it is not gunna grow its mother genetics unless you seedout the female for a few seasons but taking a clonefrom a clone from a clone is always goingto be the same"

This statement is the rantings of s crazy man, don't like that post. a clone from a mother is going to have the same genetics as the mother

This Robb333 person doesn't even understand basic grow methods. To top it all off this person defended himself on another thread by posting someone else's journal from 420magazine forum as his own. at least that's what the evidence says, furthermore the journal he posted starts out saying "this is my firs solo grow" right so the person who had been growing for 12 years is just now doing his first solo grow. He also says here he does not keep a mother yet in this journal he claims as his own he has a mother. any posts you see by this user should be regarded as hose manure. this person is fake and has very little knowledge of any real grow scenerios.

trollitup up br3h

I'm new and so want to like this post. How do you do that?
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