How many plants can i put in a 7x7 space?

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
You should be asking how much of a footprint you can cover with that light, then fill that footprint with plants.

General rule of thumb with 1000w is 5x5ft. And then fill it with plants. That could be one monster plant or 100small ones, up to you...


Well-Known Member
That is so much better than my answer, which is....all of them! :)

Yeah, that's what I use. I cycle 4 plants under 1000w on a 3 x4 table, adding a pair a month, and harvesting a pair.
im growing incredible bulk from dr. krippling-was hoping for at least 4 nice size plants,i have a 8 foot ceiling was going to veg 2 foot, bloom two foot, if the plan works out


Well-Known Member
I have a 1000 watt light , co2 generator, I want to use dwc buckets,but am unsure how many plants i can squeeze in?
Don't do dwc, if you only have a 7 x 7 space. There are other, better ways. DWC and squeezing do not mix. Seriously. The space is so small the plumbing will drive you crazy.

But, hey, no one could tell me different when I started. :)


Well-Known Member
thats cool i didnt know that ive always grown in soil and am more comfortable with it,tks for info
Well, there is a hybrid approach that I came to have, by being the Rube Goldberg of DWC in a hall bathroom. But, I had a bathtub, so I could have an RO water barrel plumbed into the shower head, etc. But, it was only 9 x 5 on the floor with the cabinet taken out. Toilet took the RO waste side drain.

I had 2 x 10 gal totes, small so I could pull them out for cleaning
- pumps in each, 550 gph is good, on timers, to feed emitters on each bucket
- table, 3 x 4ft above those, leave good room for the totes
- dutch trays with drains connected to the totes
- 4 plants in 2.5 gal rose buckets

So, it is all a matter of what will you do. If you have 5 ft wide 6ft tall, pruned out, pair of Veg monsters, you might want to put 2000 w over them.

I had 4 x 4ft tall at most. 1000 w works fine.


Well-Known Member
i just ran into anther question, do i need to put reflective film on the floor?
Not if you have any sense. And about reflective film. You want refractive. In fact, if you take silver mylar and crush it up in your hands tightly, unfold it, and drape it loosely, it will be much better.

A white wall, will refract, 10 times more light spread than a mirror will reflect. So, even if hanging white panda, loose works best for splashing light around the room.

So, you ruin it if you try to walk on it. I know.

Best is to get a good hard garage floor paint. White of course.

For wall and ceiling I go with mylar bubble wrap. It is very refractive. And it reflects IR, so you don't heat load all that drywall. And it is a good insulator, so the AIR conducted heat cannot load the drywall either.