How many people understand the US Constitution?

98% probability that you're a sockpuppet. Have you considered that maybe you're not welcome?
99.99999% that you have no clue what you are talking about, in regards to me.

Unless I am booted, I will take it that I am welcome. You have your opinions, I have mine. Unless this forum enacts some kind of exclusivity rule saying that only whoever agrees with you can stay, I think that I will stay. Don't like what I say, then don't read it. Otherwise tough luck.

I think that you chose the wrong username. You definitely don't abandon conflict. Would that mean that you tell lies?
A document professing equality written by people who own other people
Just curious.... are you aware that some of the Founding Fathers wanted to free their slaves, but there were laws prohibiting them from doing so?

What few people care to admit, is that once the Constitution was ratified, slavery was doomed to end; it was just a question of when it would end. You know... that pesky little phrase "all men are created equally "? The DOI really says that. Really. It does.
99.99999% that you have no clue what you are talking about, in regards to me.

Unless I am booted, I will take it that I am welcome. You have your opinions, I have mine. Unless this forum enacts some kind of exclusivity rule saying that only whoever agrees with you can stay, I think that I will stay. Don't like what I say, then don't read it. Otherwise tough luck.

I think that you chose the wrong username. You definitely don't abandon conflict. Would that mean that you tell lies?
Just curious.... are you aware that some of the Founding Fathers wanted to free their slaves, but there were laws prohibiting them from doing so?

What few people care to admit, is that once the Constitution was ratified, slavery was doomed to end; it was just a question of when it would end. You know... that pesky little phrase "all men are created equally "? The DOI really says that. Really. It does.

Just curious.... are you aware that some of the Founding Fathers wanted to free their slaves, but there were laws prohibiting them from doing so?

What few people care to admit, is that once the Constitution was ratified, slavery was doomed to end; it was just a question of when it would end. You know... that pesky little phrase "all men are created equally "? The DOI really says that. Really. It does.

During the Revolutionary War, several slaves in Massachusetts sued in state courts for their freedom, citing the language in Jefferson's Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including rights to life, liberty, and happiness (here, Jefferson clearly plagiarized John Locke). The Mass. courts agreed with these suits, and by 1783, many of the Northern states began mass manumissions of slaves. However, the vast majority of North American slaves existed in places like North & South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware. So many slaves lived in these states and were so instrumental to those states' economies that the southern states doubled-down on slavery by the time of the 1787 Constitutional Convention.

A note on northern states' manumission plans: Many of them required gradual manumission, such as New York, which freed its last slave in 1843.

It's also important to note that as northern states' slaves were freed, they were not extended basic citizenship rights and oftentimes could not vote or hold property, and remained a vulnerable population in the Early Republic, as were Indians and Catholics and women.

See also Joseph Ellis's book The Quartet. It's about what the founding generation believed they were doing by drafting the Constitution.
Are we free to grow marijuana or smoke it according to federal law? No. is this unconstitutional? Yes. See the 9th amendment.

There are so many things that it would take me hours to type them all. But I have given you a prime example that clearly concerns everyone on this forum who are Americans.

This is not correct. The ninth merely states that "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." There is no right stated in the Constitution that specifically gives folks the right to grow or smoke herb. Just like there's no right to smoke cigarettes either--and many folks have cited the Constitution in their arguments to allow smoking in public buildings like restaurants and bars.

Congress, furthermore, has the right to make the laws of the United States, and in 1970, Richard Nixon signed into law a congressional act known as the Controlled Substances law. Here's an overview of it:

Until that law is repealed or amended, weed is technically illegal at the federal level. States that have legalized it or made it available via prescription are in violation of federal law. The current AG, Klan Klavern CyKlops Jeff Sessions will make sure that the feds enforce the law in those states that have relaxed marijuana prohibitions.
Just curious.... are you aware that some of the Founding Fathers wanted to free their slaves, but there were laws prohibiting them from doing so?

What few people care to admit, is that once the Constitution was ratified, slavery was doomed to end; it was just a question of when it would end. You know... that pesky little phrase "all men are created equally "? The DOI really says that. Really. It does.

Would you like to try rebutting my statement?
Your previous profiles have all been booted dumb shit.
You sir, or ma'am, are the only dumb shit making wild ASSumptions. Let me be perfectly clear, until about a week ago, I had no clue that this site even existed. Have the moderators/admin check my IP address. I can fully assure you that I have NEVER been to this site before I joined @ a week ago.

I love how some of you, in order to avoid the topic we are discussing, are highjacking the thread by making foolish statements like this.

I really don't like being rude, however some of you are leaving me little choice because of the EXTREMELY ludicrous statements that I am someone else. You are rude to me, making these false accusations.

Maybe you haven't had your morning coffee yet, or your psychiatric meds. If this is the case, please get whatever you need to be "normal" ASAP.
Nice pic. However what does it have to do with this topic? Might I suggest that you get one of the MANY free apps on the Constitution? Please do so and I encourage everyone to get one as well, then actually take the time to read it.

IMO very few Americans have actually read the Constitution. Even of those who have, few have tried to read any of the many writings of the Founding Fathers concerning the Constitution.
TL;DR sockpuppet, only a matter of time before you get banned again.
TLDR? Are you some kind of textese writer who are too lazy to type it all out?

I don't "speak textese, or mouthfulese"so please try to use common everyday English. You know, something EVERYONE can understand?

Otherwise you are being cowardly by avoiding the topic. Something that you are apparently ignorant of. Just keep in mind that ignorant doesn't equal stupid. It simply means that you don't know a particular subject. This is obvious since you are avoiding the topic.
You sir, or ma'am, are the only dumb shit making wild ASSumptions. Let me be perfectly clear, until about a week ago, I had no clue that this site even existed. Have the moderators/admin check my IP address. I can fully assure you that I have NEVER been to this site before I joined @ a week ago.

I love how some of you, in order to avoid the topic we are discussing, are highjacking the thread by making foolish statements like this.

I really don't like being rude, however some of you are leaving me little choice because of the EXTREMELY ludicrous statements that I am someone else. You are rude to me, making these false accusations.

Maybe you haven't had your morning coffee yet, or your psychiatric meds. If this is the case, please get whatever you need to be "normal" ASAP.
Its just that very few if any actually join this site and start posting in politics section.

If you see a new member right off the bat in here its almost a guarantee that it is a sock account.
Its just that very few if any actually join this site and start posting in politics section.

If you see a new member right off the bat in here its almost a guarantee that it is a sock account.
Thank you for clarification on this.
If anyone here knew me in real life, they'd know that on Facebook, the subject of politics is almost all I post about. Especially concerning the Constitution.

Also, could you, or anyone tell me what a "sock puppet" is?
Thank you for clarification on this.
If anyone here knew me in real life, they'd know that on Facebook, the subject of politics is almost all I post about. Especially concerning the Constitution.

Also, could you, or anyone tell me what a "sock puppet" is?
Its strange to come to a pot site and argue politics. Most people join for growing or grow related issues then later venture into this sub section.

Like I said, for the most part, new people posting in politics are previous banned accounts.
Its strange to come to a pot site and argue politics. Most people join for growing or grow related issues then later venture into this sub section.

Like I said, for the most part, new people posting in politics are previous banned accounts.
Then I guess I must apologize for liking the subject of politics. This is a first for me. I have never apologized for being passionate about politics! Not even to my wife, who absolutely despises the topic!!

No. I won't apologize. Nor will I apologize for trying to learn about growing pot.

On the subject of pot, can someone PLEASE show me a link on "super soil"? I tried the search function, but got HUNDREDS of hits. Most are asking specific questions about it, but not the recipe for making it. Any help from anyone would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!
The question isn't if you know it, can you enforce any of it?

My wife also does the emotional equivalent of shutting her ears and go LA LA LA!!! when the topic is politics or news in general.
The question isn't if you know it, can you enforce any of it?

My wife also does the emotional equivalent of shutting her ears and go LA LA LA!!! when the topic is politics or news in general.
Careful. Next thing you know some of these delusional people will be claiming that I am you, or that you are me!