How many people understand the US Constitution?

Then I guess I must apologize for liking the subject of politics. This is a first for me. I have never apologized for being passionate about politics! Not even to my wife, who absolutely despises the topic!!

No. I won't apologize. Nor will I apologize for trying to learn about growing pot.

On the subject of pot, can someone PLEASE show me a link on "super soil"? I tried the search function, but got HUNDREDS of hits. Most are asking specific questions about it, but not the recipe for making it. Any help from anyone would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!
Its not hard to find. We have an organics section.

This is a good thread to read. Its long but good info. Several soil recipes.
Not at all, man. Just the opposite, in fact.

So long as people (white males) feel the need to restrict/ban the usage of cannabis, oftentimes under pain of imprisonment or WORSE, marijuana will continue to be a 'political issue', unfortunately.
This sounds kinda racist. I am a "white male", and I am all for pot being legalized all across America. You know, this, IMO, SHOULD BE covered by the 9th amendment. Enumerated meaning nothing more than "listed"". It's a "Right" that I claim at least. Don't you? I believe that the government has tried too hard to gain control over "we the people". I have said it before, and I will say it again, I want my liberty back!
Please keep in mind that I am NOT calling you racist , just that your statement could be taken that way.
Not at all, man. Just the opposite, in fact.

So long as people (white males) feel the need to restrict/ban the usage of cannabis, oftentimes under pain of imprisonment or WORSE, marijuana will continue to be a 'political issue', unfortunately.
Ill agree.

I actually meant its strange to come to a pot site straight to the politics section.

That might not be true either.

I just know that if you see a new person right off the bat in politics or toke and talk they are usually a sock.
I just know that if you see a new person right off the bat in politics or toke and talk they are usually a sock.

You said it!



The constitution.


Constitution Constitution.

But, the Constitution

This sounds kinda racist. I am a "white male", and I am all for pot being legalized all across America. You know, this, IMO, SHOULD BE covered by the 9th amendment. Enumerated meaning nothing more than "listed"". It's a "Right" that I claim at least. Don't you? I believe that the government has tried too hard to gain control over "we the people". I have said it before, and I will say it again, I want my liberty back!
Please keep in mind that I am NOT calling you racist , just that your statement could be taken that way.


Ill agree.

I actually meant its strange to come to a pot site straight to the politics section.

That might not be true either.

I just know that if you see a new person right off the bat in politics or toke and talk they are usually a sock.
I will have to disagree slightly on this.

I am fairly active in politics and have been before I wanted to grow my own pot. Once I saw the political section my eyes lit up like a person without weed for months suddenly having a Q. P. Dropped in their laps of the most primo stuff, lovingly grown , top shelf bud.

We may disagree on much politically, but that is no different than the Founding Fathers debating on the content of the Constitution. Without vigorous debate, little is learned.
It's unhealthy to be so obsessed with political fooferaw
I have always heard "all things in moderation". I used to absolutely HATE talking politics. I had the attitude of indifference, "what can I do to change things?", thinking that I couldn't make a difference. That NO ONE could. I have come to the conclusion that I have to at least try.... so, I do what I can.

If you can't keep up with common forum lingo, maybe you should quit making so many sockpuppet accounts every time you get banned from this one.
There you go again. Can't you contribute something, instead of being so negative, and derogatory?

If I asked you for help growing pot would you contribute useful information or would you sit idly by contributing nothing but derogatory comments?

So I don't understand your slang. That's something I am ignorant of, I admit. I ask you to enlighten me and you come back with nothing but more derogatory comments.

You are about as useful as tits on a boar hog if you can't help enlighten someone who is ASKING you to do so.
There you go again.
There YOU go again. You were the one who began addressing and responding to my comments which were never previously directed your way. YOU are the one who has made it a point to continue showing up in my alerts with rude and poorly considered remarks as if I care to have a faux friendly conversation with a sockpuppet. I am just keeping it real kiddo.
Just curious.... are you aware that some of the Founding Fathers wanted to free their slaves, but there were laws prohibiting them from doing so?

What few people care to admit, is that once the Constitution was ratified, slavery was doomed to end; it was just a question of when it would end. You know... that pesky little phrase "all men are created equally "? The DOI really says that. Really. It does.

You're ridiculously wrong.

The founding fathers had absolutely ZERO interest in getting rid of their slaves. None. Nada. Zip. They made good money from the nearly free labor force and needed them to build their personal empires and by way of that this nation.

The only thing they knew they HAD to do to give the nation credibility as a free nation was to eventually end the slave TRADE. At the time, slavery was perfectly legal in many nations, but it's days were numbered. Nation after nation was banning the slave TRADE with the idea that as the slave TRADE ended, the "trickle down" effect of that would be that slavery would eventually just peter out on its own.

So the Constitution, the day it was signed, abolished the slave trade at a future date that was set as 1808. From that point on, no slaves would ever be allowed into the United States.

But that didn't stop the illegal slave trade that continued unabated for decades. What's more, it did nothing to stop to the breeding and selling of slaves on U.S. soil, which became a very lucrative enterprise.

See, the problem is that no matter what the founding fathers wrote, they couldn't foresee the assholes that would avoid their wishes by warping and twisting the meaning of what the Constitution actually means to suit their own ends.

The founding fathers wanted slavery gone, plane and simple, but they didn't want to be the ones to pay the price for it, which is why the date was set at a time where most of them would be at or near the end of their lives anyway and well set by then.

Don't even get me started on the 2nd amendment. That's the most abused, misinterpreted and bogus amendment there is. There is no end to what the Constitution actually stands for and what people will intentionally warp it to mean to suit their own agenda.