How many people have actually done their surveys?

As they are spending taxpayer money to do the survey they then have to release the results of said survey. My selections and comments will help to fill the PRO side of the equation and regardless of their intentions I don't believe they can totally ignore everyone that doesn't toe their line.

4:20 celebrations started with a few people getting together in a park and openly smoking pot in defiance of authority. Most, if not all, of these early acts of civil disobedience were busted and made great headlines in local and national news and papers. Now the cops attend to keep the rowdy boozers from harshin' the vibe for the tokers. lol

Every small act of defiance or a vote for our side may only be a drop in the bucket but as the buckets fill up they form pools and pools become oceans. The sea level is rising and they can't ignore the tidal wave of people riding in on the waves or haven't you noticed?

The steps being taken to cannabis re-legalization by governments all over the world started with a few drops in a bucket. Drops of blood in many cases.

Either push for change or stay home, get stoned and let "them" dictate the rules. We're all just a bunch of lazy stoners anyway. Right?
The steps being taken to cannabis re-legalization by governments all over the world started with a few drops in a bucket. Drops of blood in many cases.
What you call re-legalization is really Prohibition 2.0...or didn't you notice? This is a cash grab for ex-public servants, all of whom have a horse in the Rec race...with ties to the Lib's. The law has already been written, any surveys are for show and entirely moot.
What you call re-legalization is really Prohibition 2.0...or didn't you notice? This is a cash grab for ex-public servants, all of whom have a horse in the Rec race...with ties to the Lib's. The law has already been written, any surveys are for show and entirely moot.

I'm well aware of that and even mentioned Prohibition 2.0 in my comments in the survey. 45+ years ago I marched in the Greenpeace and pot protests that happened in Vancouver, attended their first few Easter Be-Ins, was at the Gastown Riot and the smoke in later too.

We gotta start somewhere and wouldn't be where we're at now without the efforts of a lot of little people who fought for what they believe in.

Sure I hate the way it's being rolled out but the system in place now was set up by Harper so his cronies could profit from it and with Justin being another lying Liberal he has cronies to appease as well. It's going to be decades before the dust settles and the more drops of water tossed on the dust, the faster it settles.

Doing nothing accomplishes even less. Bitching about the status quo in forums like these are just preaching to the choir. You gotta bitch where the brainwashed masses can hear you and maybe an occasional one will listen like has been going on for years. Even my 89 yo mom is cool with pot the last 30 years. I got my dad to try it when he was going thru chemo for the cancer that killed him and it helped a lot with the nausea and helped him eat. She knows it's a lot less harmful than booze tho she still can't figure out why people need to get messed up on anything. And yes, she has tried pot, but said it just made her feel dizzy and a bit sick. She doesn't like booze for much the same reasons tho has a rum and coke on special occasions. Her cheeks go all rosy and she giggles like a schoolgirl. :)

All these dispensaries popping up are a form of civil disobedience and the majority of them are in it for the money more than to insure patients have access to medicine tho that is a positive benefit. Do you think they will all shut down if the new prohibition demands they do? I think not and the battle will carry on.

So remain quiet and become a victim of authority or make some noise and wave your freak flag high!

It boggles my mind that most people are so apathetic about this.
I'm well aware of that and even mentioned Prohibition 2.0 in my comments in the survey. 45+ years ago I marched in the Greenpeace and pot protests that happened in Vancouver, attended their first few Easter Be-Ins, was at the Gastown Riot and the smoke in later too.

We gotta start somewhere and wouldn't be where we're at now without the efforts of a lot of little people who fought for what they believe in.

Sure I hate the way it's being rolled out but the system in place now was set up by Harper so his cronies could profit from it and with Justin being another lying Liberal he has cronies to appease as well. It's going to be decades before the dust settles and the more drops of water tossed on the dust, the faster it settles.

Doing nothing accomplishes even less. Bitching about the status quo in forums like these are just preaching to the choir. You gotta bitch where the brainwashed masses can hear you and maybe an occasional one will listen like has been going on for years. Even my 89 yo mom is cool with pot the last 30 years. I got my dad to try it when he was going thru chemo for the cancer that killed him and it helped a lot with the nausea and helped him eat. She knows it's a lot less harmful than booze tho she still can't figure out why people need to get messed up on anything. And yes, she has tried pot, but said it just made her feel dizzy and a bit sick. She doesn't like booze for much the same reasons tho has a rum and coke on special occasions. Her cheeks go all rosy and she giggles like a schoolgirl. :)

All these dispensaries popping up are a form of civil disobedience and the majority of them are in it for the money more than to insure patients have access to medicine tho that is a positive benefit. Do you think they will all shut down if the new prohibition demands they do? I think not and the battle will carry on.

So remain quiet and become a victim of authority or make some noise and wave your freak flag high!

It boggles my mind that most people are so apathetic about this.
Respect! bongsmilie

Thanks. A lot more people have done lots more than me but I do my little bits like help folks here and on other forums get their grows going if they are having problems. I live so far away from everything that I can't make the big protests but may be moving back to BC and get into it all more.

If everyone just does a little a lot gets done. Mostly it's a few doing a lot but the little bits help.
I'm well aware of that and even mentioned Prohibition 2.0 in my comments in the survey. 45+ years ago I marched in the Greenpeace and pot protests that happened in Vancouver, attended their first few Easter Be-Ins, was at the Gastown Riot and the smoke in later too.

We gotta start somewhere and wouldn't be where we're at now without the efforts of a lot of little people who fought for what they believe in.

Sure I hate the way it's being rolled out but the system in place now was set up by Harper so his cronies could profit from it and with Justin being another lying Liberal he has cronies to appease as well. It's going to be decades before the dust settles and the more drops of water tossed on the dust, the faster it settles.

Doing nothing accomplishes even less. Bitching about the status quo in forums like these are just preaching to the choir. You gotta bitch where the brainwashed masses can hear you and maybe an occasional one will listen like has been going on for years. Even my 89 yo mom is cool with pot the last 30 years. I got my dad to try it when he was going thru chemo for the cancer that killed him and it helped a lot with the nausea and helped him eat. She knows it's a lot less harmful than booze tho she still can't figure out why people need to get messed up on anything. And yes, she has tried pot, but said it just made her feel dizzy and a bit sick. She doesn't like booze for much the same reasons tho has a rum and coke on special occasions. Her cheeks go all rosy and she giggles like a schoolgirl. :)

All these dispensaries popping up are a form of civil disobedience and the majority of them are in it for the money more than to insure patients have access to medicine tho that is a positive benefit. Do you think they will all shut down if the new prohibition demands they do? I think not and the battle will carry on.

So remain quiet and become a victim of authority or make some noise and wave your freak flag high!

It boggles my mind that most people are so apathetic about this.
Thanks for taking the time to type all that.

I'm so spent from trying to say the exact same thing.
even if BC allows dispensaries etc, wont they be federally mandated to obtain their cannabis from a licensed producer? what happens if canada brings in the colorado system of RFID tracking from seed to sale?? idk civil disobedience was OK when I was younger with nothing to lose, I have a family now can't afford to get arrested for something that doesnt affect me. People are probably apathetic because they are perfectly fine and set in their ways the way things are now, this "legalization" won't change much for them. I'll continue doing what I've always done. I'm half convinced its designed to never go through as an election ploy so castreau can blame the conservatives to win the stoner vote again. or if it does pass the conservatives will win the next election and repeal it.

What I see happening is people will try marijuana for the first time because it's legal, eventually try to share their shitty weed with someone who will refuse because it's garbage from a LP, and that is how they will learn that LPs are shitty. Through shame and embarrassment. It's more effective lesson than being brain blasted by some passionate stoner - they'd probably block it out and forget it immediately. I see no point getting all hot and bothered, it's a step in the right direction at least, and given enough time, the majority will agree that it's a shitty plan and only then will further change come.