How many people have actually done their surveys?

roose in British
verb Scottish dialect
1. (transitive)
to flatter or praise
2. (intransitive)
to be proud of something
3. (intransitive)
to commend oneself
4. obsolete
a boast or praise
Thanks for the help got it anyway though right.

You still here?
I'm pretty sure I filled out the survey once already but had another go at it before I got too medicated.

I think they asked most questions in a way that I could put in some input from "our" side. One question was pretty ambiguous and it gave me a comment box to state my case and I told them that. If they don't hear from us then they'll follow the leaders in Ottawa so it doesn't hurt to pipe up.

Wrote a long final thought comment in the box provided to give some more to think about and here it is.

The federal gov't is just bringing in Prohibition 2.0 and there will be many version revisions before it a final, stable version is produced.

Meanwhile the lawyers will get richer, the cops will demand more money for unneeded enforcement of a nearly harmless plant that has never killed anyone. Ever.

Accept that re-legalization is a reality and deal with it in an adult manner void of the hysteria about doped up kiddies and stoned drivers running amok now that pot is legal. Kids can get it from the guy at the locker next to them at school or the dealer on the corner that carries the nasty drugs too and never checks ID. People that toke and drive are doing it now and I'd rather have one of them sharing the road with me than the guy still half in the bag and hungover from a late night binge or too many sleeping pills the night before.

Make all drugs at the user level legal or at least decriminalize it and save billions Canada wide in enforcement, legal and court costs. Stop throwing sick people in jail and concentrate on stopping the ones that sell them the sickness.

Stop the opiod crisis in it's tracks and offer doctor dispensed opiods to suffering addicts along with real-time medical and mental supports. Spend some money on helping these people instead of shuffling through the court system. They are not criminals by choice but by need and draconian regulations. Like the homeless, doing nothing costs a lot more than knuckling down and fixing the problem.

As a lifetime NDP supporter I have faith in this gov't to do better than the Gong Show going on in Ottawa.

Not looking good for Manitoba ... We have a new conservative government making cuts everywhere. I tried to find the Manitoba survey but it appears it is not an open survey, "The provincial liquor and gaming authority is looking for a company to do 15-minute surveys of at least 1,200 Manitobans in the coming months as it prepares for the new law." The premier is asking the federal government who is going to PAY for INCREASED police resources!!! Are you fucking serious?!?! These idiots better not be getting re-elected but I have a feeling they will... Good campaign opportunity for some people with brains to enter politics ... HOW can making it legal result in higher enforcement costs!! Winnipeg gets fucked in the ass by the police union and do nothing about it, these assholes spend all day doing traffic enforcement so they can go collect pensionable overtime to sit in traffic court on their days off. Police was 26% of the total city budget last year, I can bet this year will be 30% at least.
Sweet jesus.
Well, guess how it feels in alberta after 40 years of con leaders?

The sad part is there's people dumb enough to want them back.
hate to agree withgb123[i like him though]

if it is anything like the federal survey /meetings [you name it..]..

it is a ruse..

sure the survey..then watch the exact things you suggested ..not happen

they may adhere to the negative suggestions though
If you don't vote or stand up to speak up when given the opportunity then you got no right to bitch when you don't get what you want.

Like my old man always said. It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Or, Blow your own horn or you won't be heard above all the others blowing theirs.

Sitting silently in the back gets you nowhere.
If you don't vote or stand up to speak up when given the opportunity then you got no right to bitch when you don't get what you want.

Like my old man always said. It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Or, Blow your own horn or you won't be heard above all the others blowing theirs.

Sitting silently in the back gets you nowhere.
unless the wheel is too squeeky or continues to squeek, then it will just get tossed and replaced
unless the wheel is too squeeky or continues to squeek, then it will just get tossed and replaced

Exactly, some wheels squeak no matter what you do. Some wheels are just defective and you either ignore them and roll on or get rid of them.

If you don't vote or stand up to speak up when given the opportunity then you got no right to bitch when you don't get what you want.

Like my old man always said. It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Or, Blow your own horn or you won't be heard above all the others blowing theirs.

Sitting silently in the back gets you nowhere.
99.9% of the time I would agree with you on this. Unfortunately in this case (and as with the other surveys), the decisions have already been made...probably before the 1st draft of the survey was even drawn up. The Gov then cherry-picks the responses that fit those already made decisions. This survey is not like a politician seeking reelection. There are no votes to count, no accountability..our opinions don't mean shit. Answering the survey is a waste of time IMO.