How many lux for cloning?


Active Member
I've just taken 4 cuttings off my plants an put them in the propagator. Unfortunately I havnt got a proper light for cloning .. So if I put my propagator outside my tent with the tent open would they be ok? The lux reading above the propagator is 5000


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That would probably work fine, but even better would be a small LED panel 50 watts if you can find it at 14-18 Inches away. You'd get more blue for the seedlings.
Brand new to cloning. I'm finding my unfortunate subjects don't require a lot of light, I've got a 7w led, a 13w uva led (both 18 inches long), and 2 florescent grow bulbs, forget the wattage at the moment...24" bulbs...and it's almost too much.
as bright as possible..

The sun doesn't turn down for youngs plants in the wild so neither should we.. the brighter the better and the faster they will root..
as bright as possible..

The sun doesn't turn down for youngs plants in the wild so neither should we.. the brighter the better and the faster they will root..
Makes sense. Being new to cloning, I am testing with two tomato cuttings and and a grape vine. Going on 5 days and they're all still alive, so I'm pretty happy. I'll bump up the wattage I'm using and see what happens.
Makes sense. Being new to cloning, I am testing with two tomato cuttings and and a grape vine. Going on 5 days and they're all still alive, so I'm pretty happy. I'll bump up the wattage I'm using and see what happens.

The fastest i have ever rooted cuttings was in full sunlight, the key is keeping them moist.. if running under lights like hps or mh or even led run it for 24 hours a day untill you see roots..
The fastest i have ever rooted cuttings was in full sunlight, the key is keeping them moist.. if running under lights like hps or mh or even led run it for 24 hours a day untill you see roots..
No worries with the moist. I built a cloning machine, 24 spaces, 2" collars, out of a 20 gallon Rubbermaid tote. I use 10 gallons of water pH,d to 6.0, and the spray schedule is 15 mins on, 30 off. I tried going 45 off, but we are in the high desert, they got a little wilty. I'll try and post a few pics tomorrow if no one objects. Not trying to hijack the thread, just really interested.
No worries with the moist. I built a cloning machine, 24 spaces, 2" collars, out of a 20 gallon Rubbermaid tote. I use 10 gallons of water pH,d to 6.0, and the spray schedule is 15 mins on, 30 off. I tried going 45 off, but we are in the high desert, they got a little wilty. I'll try and post a few pics tomorrow if no one objects. Not trying to hijack the thread, just really interested.

i use a home built dwc cloner much cheaper to build and just as effective.. usually clone in under 10days and cost very little to build.. just a tote air pump and some air injection pipes rather than airstones.. mines only small though as i haven't gotten round to making it bigger yet.. i only grow 4 to 6 plant rdwc so a massive cloner isn't really needed.

diy is the way to go though and love the sound of this cloner of yours.. do put some pics up as it will help others..
That would probably work fine, but even better would be a small LED panel 50 watts if you can find it at 14-18 Inches away. You'd get more blue for the seedlings.
Yeah your right matey going to get one for next grow.. this is dual spectrum though so should be fine
as bright as possible..

The sun doesn't turn down for youngs plants in the wild so neither should we.. the brighter the better and the faster they will root..
I'm sure this would only apply to plants grown out the ground from seed..and start forming roots. Not cuttings..they have to be cut an rooted manually by us humans..
I'm sure this would only apply to plants grown out the ground from seed..and start forming roots. Not cuttings..they have to be cut an rooted manually by us humans..

I understand what you are saying but i doesn't matter if its a cutting or seedling the fact is the more energy they get the faster they will root or grow.. don't get me wrong though if you put a hid light too close you will cook them as they can't uptake water fast enough..

I have tried this and believe me the sun rules when it comes to rooting clones, i did one lot under a 600w mh bulb and some out in the summer sun and the sun ones rooted in almost half the time.. bright is good imo.. keep it bright keep them moist..
I understand what you are saying but i doesn't matter if its a cutting or seedling the fact is the more energy they get the faster they will root or grow.. don't get me wrong though if you put a hid light too close you will cook them as they can't uptake water fast enough..

I have tried this and believe me the sun rules when it comes to rooting clones, i did one lot under a 600w mh bulb and some out in the summer sun and the sun ones rooted in almost half the time.. bright is good imo.. keep it bright keep them moist..
The part of UK I'm from barely sees any sum haha so would I be fine with my 600w dual spec? If so at what distance?
The part of UK I'm from barely sees any sum haha so would I be fine with my 600w dual spec? If so at what distance?

i would go for metal halide for cuttings and young plants much more uniform growth and should be better for rooting. prob 24inch away with good air flow and regular checks for drying out.

Lol don't get much sun here in Manchester uk either hahaha although we didn't do too bad this year hahahaha
...are you fucking serious mate? Did you really just advise someone to put a 600w light 24 inches above clones?

Vinny a 2 minutes quick browsing through a "how to clone" search will tell you pretty much all you need. You DO NOT go in full flowering light not even close. Your normal long tube fluorescent is perfect for this task
...are you fucking serious mate? Did you really just advise someone to put a 600w light 24 inches above clones?

Vinny a 2 minutes quick browsing through a "how to clone" search will tell you pretty much all you need. You DO NOT go in full flowering light not even close. Your normal long tube fluorescent is perfect for this task
The clones are already in the propagator mate just havnt got the right light for it and can't get one tiĺ I get gotta make do with what I got.. I know not to put them directly under 600w that would be far too much but would they root if left the propagator outside the tent so they don't recieve direct light from the 600w? Here's a pic let me know what you think


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If I was in your place id put the fluorescent above it in its own cabinet area, they dont need much light at all right now as they arent trying to grow they are just using stored energy to start rooting
Would I be best off leaving the propagator on the window sill? I haven't got a fluorescent yet will be getting one next week so until them I'm clueless as to what I should do.. I thought maybe put them under a small cfl house light..but it's only 11w
Since they're already cut you may as well experiment till you can get adequate light. Try the windowsill. Watch out for heat tho. Try the cfl. If they live, and you have time to coddle them, go for it. It's fun trying to keep them alive. Lol. Or, wait till you have proper lighting and start over on the right track. I did the tomato's and grape prior to even trying cannabis clones. They all thrived, I tossed the tomato plants when they rooted (7 days) I kept the grape. It is not rooting at 7 days, but is thriving and even growing new leaves. I have Og Cheese and Dream Cookies hybrid right now, both from bag seed, but both were really good, and almost ready to take cuttings from. Gawd, I forgot how slow Indica grows compared to sativa.
I just put mine to the side in the veg room
you want to use about a 23W CFL, if that is the way you want to go... I run those like an inch away from newly germinated seed...

I finally got around to making a clone bucket again. Just a bucket with two-inch holes drilled in the lid. I cut up an old foam play mat from when my kiddy was small. into two-inch disks and made a slot and hole in each. A 30W pump on a 15 minute timer, one pipe pointed straight up with a cap on, drilled a hole in the cap and put a 360 degree irrigation sprinkler in then placed in the centre of the bucket.
Since they're already cut you may as well experiment till you can get adequate light. Try the windowsill. Watch out for heat tho. Try the cfl. If they live, and you have time to coddle them, go for it. It's fun trying to keep them alive. Lol. Or, wait till you have proper lighting and start over on the right track. I did the tomato's and grape prior to even trying cannabis clones. They all thrived, I tossed the tomato plants when they rooted (7 days) I kept the grape. It is not rooting at 7 days, but is thriving and even growing new leaves. I have Og Cheese and Dream Cookies hybrid right now, both from bag seed, but both were really good, and almost ready to take cuttings from. Gawd, I forgot how slow Indica grows compared to sativa.
Yeah your definatly right mate gotta try different things to see what works.. I've got another tent coming in a week an half so I'm gonna get a t5 light an it already comes with a 125w cfl so I'm gonna keep that one as my veg/clone tent