How many lux for cloning?

I just put mine to the side in the veg room
you want to use about a 23W CFL, if that is the way you want to go... I run those like an inch away from newly germinated seed...
Is yours a tent or an actual room? What light you using?
If your outdoor environment is warm enough, you can put your cuttings in a cup of water that you change frequently and your cuttings will root in a week or two on a preferably south facing window sill that gets light throughout the day. This worked great for me and only had like 2-3 cuts out of 11 that I tossed out because they rooted a little too late. If you want to save money and don't want to buy new stuff to feed the gear lust, just use water, a cup, and a windowsill.
If your outdoor environment is warm enough, you can put your cuttings in a cup of water that you change frequently and your cuttings will root in a week or two on a preferably south facing window sill that gets light throughout the day. This worked great for me and only had like 2-3 cuts that I tossed out because they rooted a little too late. If you want to save money, just use water and a cup.
Unfortunately it's always freezing where I'm from mate so defo not an option for me
...are you fucking serious mate? Did you really just advise someone to put a 600w light 24 inches above clones?

Vinny a 2 minutes quick browsing through a "how to clone" search will tell you pretty much all you need. You DO NOT go in full flowering light not even close. Your normal long tube fluorescent is perfect for this task
Bingo. Good advice. I use a couple of floros and they work great. Been doing it for years.
Another thing. O2 at the root zone is real important. That's why aerocloners are my go to for cloning and they're easy to make. No gels or powders are necessary. The cuttings make their own hormone.
Bingo. Good advice. I use a couple of floros and they work great. Been doing it for years.
Another thing. O2 at the root zone is real important. That's why aerocloners are my go to for cloning and they're easy to make. No gels or powders are necessary. The cuttings make their own hormone.
I'm getting one of those in a few week called an aeroponics propagator they look mint an almost 100% success rate
I use a 125w CFL grow light, or my 24" 4bulb T5....

A (cool mist/ultrasonic) humidifier will help too, as propagators tend to be domeless...
I use a 125w CFL grow light, or my 24" 4bulb T5....

A (cool mist/ultrasonic) humidifier will help too, as propagators tend to be domeless...
My propagator has a dome .. but the clones are on there 3rd day an the stems are still bent over but the leaves at the top are facing this normal at this stage?
...are you fucking serious mate? Did you really just advise someone to put a 600w light 24 inches above clones?

Vinny a 2 minutes quick browsing through a "how to clone" search will tell you pretty much all you need. You DO NOT go in full flowering light not even close. Your normal long tube fluorescent is perfect for this task

Hahaha yes I did.. with good air movement and regular checks they root well... faster than other methods I have tried. And I have tried lots.. what is your issue with a 600w? Do you have heat issues my friend as i dont. The more energy you put in the faster they root it's not rocket science but you need to control the heat.

All my cuttings for the past 15 years have been rooted under a 600w mh bulb with great results and yes at 24 inches away... so tell why this is bad?

Is it bad because you believe what everyone tells you or because you have tested things to see what work best FOR YOU? For me I root my clones in a diy dwc cloner and they root fast 3 to 7 days under 600w my with only tap water.....

Anyway I alway say find what works for you..
Hahaha ffs.... all confusing info on the page..

What the he'll is wrong with rooting your clones under a mh bulb?

3 to 7 day with just tap water under 600w my bulb! Control the heat and keep thing moist simples.. why keep spending money? Light is light if you can keep temps under control you don't need cfl or florescent light to root clones...
Hahaha ffs.... all confusing info on the page..

What the he'll is wrong with rooting your clones under a mh bulb?

3 to 7 day with just tap water under 600w my bulb! Control the heat and keep thing moist simples.. why keep spending money? Light is light if you can keep temps under control you don't need cfl or florescent light to root clones...
Too be fair mate I've still got mine under 600w dual spec hps and they're doing fine..nice an green still after 3 days under hps and starting to stand fully upright
I use a 600w hps bulb every time without fail, stop wasting your money on crap that’s just not needed!

Makes sense pal.... not saying these other methods dont work but please don't come on and tell me I'm doing it wrong without a why? Constructive comments always taken on board... always learning..... boòooom!
Too be fair mate I've still got mine under 600w dual spec hps and they're doing fine..nice an green still after 3 days under hps and starting to stand fully upright

i have done them under a hps as well it all works....

I find the stronger light roots them faster but most people on here are like sheep if you get me.. same people who think flushing with water for 2 weeks somehow improves their weed hahahahaha..

Anyway hps or mh it doesn't matter if you can control the heat it works really well..

Or be a sheep hahaha.
...are you fucking serious mate? Did you really just advise someone to put a 600w light 24 inches above clones?

Vinny a 2 minutes quick browsing through a "how to clone" search will tell you pretty much all you need. You DO NOT go in full flowering light not even close. Your normal long tube fluorescent is perfect for this task

Still waiting for you to tell me whats wrong with the 600w for clones then? Even 24 inch away?

Have your tried it?

Please do explain so people can understand what is so so bad?

Do you even know?
Nothing wrong with it if you set shit up right.
But many newbs will try to drive cuttings hard even with the worst possible temps and humidity...
Without roots we know where this ends...

On the other side, if you fuck around too long on low wattage light, the cutting will also die eventually.