How Many Lowryder 2 Under 1000W Hps


Active Member
Im trying to do a SOG with lowryder and was wondering how many total i should have under a 1000w hps btw its soil if that matters


Active Member
Well, i know that normally its about a square meter fur a regular strain, but since its lowrider i would say about 1 to 2 plants per square foot. i would also use taller than wider containers. But if they are clones or new seeds you can really put them as close as you want, i just like to make sure that each plants leaves arn't touching.


Active Member
yeah id say that thoes pots are about perfect, but yeah you could fit about 400 plants under the lights but some would get snuffed out, i would just say that you could fill up a 6x8 room from edge to edge. because i have a 1000watt mh in a 6x8 room and i could probably fit another in there.


Well-Known Member
/the rule of thumb is 4 plants per sf and since you have no control over the size being autoflower, that's what you'll want.

Unless someone on here says nah I grew those beans and should have upped the numbers more because they weren't that fat.

(I don't grow them, can't pretend to even know them specifically.)