How many have seen a gun pulled on another, except legally by cops?

Have you witnessed a gun being pointed at another illegally?

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how about a thread on how many times we have seen the cops needlessly pull their guns out and threaten deadly force for minor reasons.
On christmas day 2 years ago, my buddies and I decided to use the mall parking lot as a longboarding hill.

First and foremost, you should know that the mall is closed on Christmas, so there was no one there but us; precisely why we chose there.

Okay so we were pulling each other down the lot with a car and then letting go and boarding the rest of the way down, and getting a ride back up in the car. We weren't hurting anyone or anything. After about an hour, all of a sudden a lone officer shows up in his dodge charger and parks a lot over and starts watching us. (We run into the police every year we do it, normally they are pretty cool about it). About 10 minutes later, I shit you not, the whole damn squad pulled in, and parked right in the middle of our lot. Honestly, there was at least 5 SUV cops, several with dogs, as well as 7+ cars. They proceeded to all get out of their vehicles and huddle together. One of them then came up to us and asked us what we were doing and blah blah etc. We told them exactly what was going on, thinking no way they would be dicks about it; we were wrong. The guy then proceeded to get confrontational, as did we. My buddy took out his camera, put it in the guys face, and started video taping everything, including his demeanor, as well as the 10+ officers there to break up a 3man longboarding crew. At that point he drew his gun out and told us that he will arrest us if we don't leave. He didn't point it at our face, but he apparently felt unsafe with the 3 of us because he had 2 hands on the gun until we left. Point being, none of us had any understanding why he drew the gun, or what the fuck he was thinking/going to do.

Still have the video to this day, and still find it comical that they needed my entire town's police force to ask us to leave