How many grams do you smoke a month? min/max


Well-Known Member
When you say this shit what do you mean? I dont know about you but I can easily pack an 1/8 of bud into a nicely rolled blunt if not more. matter of fact I know I can pack more in especially when I roll my cone blunts. Here's a Nice ounce blunt I rolled that we toked on for 6 hours straight from 3pm till 9 pm. BTW thats my size 15 boot. I used 12 bunt wraps on that baby using a dixi cup full of water and a nice little cue tip to get them wet. I have rolled many of ounce blunts since this one. They are great :)

that is a beautiful creation there, and id love to have a go on one. but 9 ounces?! there cant be more than 2 in there maximum! can there?


Well-Known Member
IDK what you are talking about bro but here is another picture of that same blunt.

I never said there were 9 ounces in there. It was an ounce, come to think of it just a tiny bit over.. Maybe an ounce and an 8th. It took about 5 minutes to get it light right. And I was afraid it would burn horriblely but it burned perfectly!!! It took 6 straight hours for me and my buddy to smoke. Roll an ounce blunt and I promise you will be happy. I dont know where you are located morph but maybe ill make you one sometime and smoke you down on it.... Hell maybe I could roll a nice 2 ounce blunt and a few of the vets on roll it up could get together for a smokeathon lol.


Well-Known Member
Good idea, as long as all of ya are med patients. I mean come on, some of the biggest people on here gathered in one place? if the feds got wind of that they'd be all over you like bees to honey.


Well-Known Member
lol, my bad. i read 'nice' as 'nine'.. im going to set to learnin how to make one of those. biggest blunts ive rolled have been about 5g, and i havent had one in a few years now!

nice rollin


Well-Known Member
Wow, it's funny, i love the shit im doing , but i smoke next to never. I think it all ties back into the fact that the first time i was high it was a horrible experience. I was 15, in a skatepark at a town where i knew nobody and i was the most intoxicated i have ever been in my life. Topping it all off was that i think the shit was laced or something. I couldnt see in 3d, everything looked like a giant life sized poster. I still remember the trees looking like the trees in 90s computer golf, like 2d. I kept hearing this weird music and everything looked like it was being lit by a strobe light. It was everytime i smoke it freaks me out bc of that event.

Has anyone else had an experience like this?


Active Member
i smoke about 2 1/2 oz's a month and damm thats one big blunt id love to get old of, how do u make em that big:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well first you have to know how to toll a good cone blunt. The secrect is simple once you get the hang of it. Its not how you roll a normal bluint either... I dont want to give away my secret but dont think two far outta the box on that. I will give one last hint... Whatever you do last rolling a normal blunt you do first making a cone blunt. Thinking along the lines of using something idk maybe a straw "cough, cough" lol to wrap around to get the cone shape nice and tight.... Ill go buy some blunt wraps 2night and post a thread on "how to roll the perfect cone blunt" For you guys :)


Well-Known Member
varies heavily, can go from zero to quarter pound if i'm growin some, actually kind hard to keep track of because i'm a very social smoker so always got buddies joining the ride and hardly ever bringin their own along:D


Well-Known Member
I smoke about 3/4 oz. a month average. I get high ( and the medicinal relief
I need ) in just 2-3 puffs of decent smoke. I am growing now because the medicalMJ dist.
centers here charge street prices ( 60-70$ for 1/8th oz. of the absolute bomb).


Active Member
HALF POUND A MONTH???? thats like a quarter ounce a day man... are u sure??? see in the real world... people have a thing called jobs lol

i prob smoke 2 oz a month on average.


Active Member
I smoke about 3/4 oz. a month average. I get high ( and the medicinal relief
I need ) in just 2-3 puffs of decent smoke. I am growing now because the medicalMJ dist.
centers here charge street prices ( 60-70$ for 1/8th oz. of the absolute bomb).
60-70 an 1/8th!!???!?
here in canada u can get an 1/8 for 25 and a full oz for about 80


Well-Known Member
i smoke just enough to get me high each day!ppl seem to think if you smoke a 2 ounce blunt you'll get more high but you dont!so its a waist!i little bud smoked in a pipe gets me high,i dont care if that makes me a light weight,i think it makes me lucky coz i dont have to smoke as much!to that person who said a ounce a day,good luck!


Well-Known Member
depending on what im doing i can smoke between 3grams a day to as much as 20 grams. depends on who where and when. depends if im at home toking my home grown on the bong or chillen at my buddys house with his sack and a pack of gars. im gittin so use to the strong high that my bud has that comercial pot just dont do it anymore.