How many grams do you smoke a month? min/max


Well-Known Member
I smoke about an ounce a week if it's available. Depends on the strain too, I look for certain qualities to use medicinally.


Well-Known Member
they have 'super blunts' at my local smoke shop, same size they roll an oz, more if you want to.

When you say this shit what do you mean? I dont know about you but I can easily pack an 1/8 of bud into a nicely rolled blunt if not more. matter of fact I know I can pack more in especially when I roll my cone blunts. Here's a Nice ounce blunt I rolled that we toked on for 6 hours straight from 3pm till 9 pm. BTW thats my size 15 boot. I used 12 bunt wraps on that baby using a dixi cup full of water and a nice little cue tip to get them wet. I have rolled many of ounce blunts since this one. They are great :)



Well-Known Member
Depends how much buds i have at the time i dont get paid every friday
uasaully about an ounce a week if i was by myself.
if im with other ppl about an ounce in about 2-3 days.
If im really in the smokin mood.


Well-Known Member
When I start growing... probably about 1/8th like the dude above me. :)

Because I'm sick of buying a gram for 15 fucking dollars each. :|


Well-Known Member
i smoke an 1/8 a day...and that's with working 8-12 hours a day...soooooooooooo....uhh i dunno how much a month but ALOT!!!!:blsmoke:
OMG i googled the question "how much pot do you smoke a month?" and it takes me to this forum. Reading the above replies, calculated the amount i smoke - I smoke about a quarter ounce a week of really expensive stuff $120 - I smoke more than anyone i know. My fast metabolism my have something tho do with it.
Anyway glad to be here. Yaaay!


Active Member
1/2 oz if its really good stuff (which it usually is)

don't smoke when im working, or during the day...

just a night time smoker here


Well-Known Member
i smoke close to a gram a day, so an ounce a month. i've got a stash of space cakes that helped me cut my smoking almost in half.