"The problem with Ron Paul is that he is a Republican.
Why did he run as a Republican in the primaries? Did he really believe that a bunch of ditto heads would vote for him? The Republican party is obsolete, their future is going to be limited to a few rednecks in states like Texas and Oklahoma. Nobody with a brain is going to vote for a Republicon again after 8 years of Bush's bullshit." - Ten Feet!
Does he have any electability?
He ran Republican because it was the only way to get in the debates.
(The Dems and Republicans own the debates and don't want anyone else involved)
(Run third party you spend all your money just trying to get on the ballot)
He ran Republican because he's always been one.
(He supported Reagen in '76 only 3 other congressmen did at the time.
(Even when he ran Libertarian he was still a Republican, no rule against it.)
He ran Republican because he believes in what the party used to stand for.
(in his oppinion, smaller government less international/economic intervention)
So either we resign ourselves to a one party system or we reform the GOP.
Ron Paul consistantly voted NO on many of Bush's policies.
I believe he was purposefully left out in the cold in the media.
He was Given the stupidist questions in the debates and almost no time.
He was set up durring the debates by the 'moderaters' to the (
probably planned) benift of Gouliani.
Tell me this wasn't staged:
Radio Talk shows barely uttered his name unless it was to bad-mouth him.
If he plays his cards right in the Iowa Primaries just goes balls out, he could win there.
That would give him the momentum moving on.
The mainstream media is giving him lots of Air time now.
He gained invaluable experiance in the 2008 run.
Hes got one more run left in him IMO.
Who will the GOP drag out to run?
IMO the GOP can't win unless it distances itself from Bush policies Ron Paul does that and more.
2012 FTW!!
BTW, Bush-Kerry what diffrence would it have made? None IMO.