• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How long till the next US war??


Well-Known Member
The Jeruslam Centre for Public Affairs and it's written by an Israeli Jew...that's sure not to be biased at all!

Iran will never attack Israel, they'd have to be bat shit crazy, nukes or no nukes.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The Jeruslam Centre for Public Affairs and it's written by an Israeli Jew...that's sure not to be biased at all!

Iran will never attack Israel, they'd have to be bat shit crazy, nukes or no nukes.
so those evil jews photoshopped up the pictures, tricked poor ahmadinejad into saying that shit, put up those banners in persian on iranian government buildings, and fooled the poor befuddled iranian state run english language news services into running the exact same language for years quoting the un fortunate,, political novice ahmedinejhad to praise the words of that other ingenue of international politics ayatollah khomeni, when he said that iran should wipe israel off the map? man those dirty jews sure do have a way with mind control.

iran HAS attacked israel. numerous times, through their proxies in hamas and hezbollah. if they think they have a leg up they will certainly make their play in the open.


Well-Known Member
so those evil jews photoshopped up the pictures, tricked poor ahmadinejad into saying that shit, put up those banners in persian on iranian government buildings, and fooled the poor befuddled iranian state run english language news services into running the exact same language for years quoting the un fortunate,, political novice ahmedinejhad to praise the words of that other ingenue of international politics ayatollah khomeni, when he said that iran should wipe israel off the map? man those dirty jews sure do have a way with mind control.

iran HAS attacked israel. numerous times, through their proxies in hamas and hezbollah. if they think they have a leg up they will certainly make their play in the open.
You're SUCH a Republican, it's hilarious.

So because Ack-maddy-mad made a stupid comment (or not, I don't speak Persian myself and only trust things I hear with my own ears) Iran should burn? You realise most Persians couldn't give a fuck about their leaders and their stupid comments?

Iran hasn't attacked anyone in HUNDREDS of years.

And tbh, the Israeli leadership is just as bad as the Persian leadership, can we agree on that?


Active Member
this is the last time i shall bother responding to your lies.

ahemdinejhad on israel and the putative map wiping. read it if you dare.


on the words of a kaffir being inadmissible in a sharia court, the reader would see that the discussion of the admissibility of kaffir and dhimmi testimony is found in NUMEROUS FATWAS and the sharia court rules themselves. i didnt even mention the testimony of women, particularly in sexual offenses. thats why theres no Sharia Law and Order Special Victims Unit. only whores who receive lashes,, or stonings for the sin of allowing themselves to be raped. or am i making that up too? the koran itself is mute on the subject of whether kaffir and dhimmi are even allowed access to the courts. playing the word games doesnt work. see your little clique isnt special. the torah is also a book that purports to be the words of the god of the jews, and the talmud is the laws that surround it. US courts give no special respect to talmudic law, and no special status to sharia law. jews accept this, your little band of ne'er-do-wells do not. but then jews (even the orthodox and hasidim) have learned to live in peace with their otherwise affiliated neighbors. this is a stark contrast to moslems fundamentalists. curiously even goyim and gentiles are allowed access to talmudic courts, and israel has a very progressive court system in which all persons have a voice, even moslems. nice try.

you asserted and still do assert that bin laden was not the source of funding, and main facilitator of the 911 attacks as well as several other attacks on civilian targets. this is a lie. i dont have to twist your words, your words come pre-twisted. nobody believes the new post-modernist assertion that osama was an innocent victim of US prejudice, nor that he was simply a peaceful activist for justice. only a dimwit would believe that.

the house of ibn saud is no more a puppet of the US and the Brits than mexico's ruling PRI party. if the US were such masters of manipulation, why is mexico once again run by the socialist members of the comintern from the PRI? your wild speculations and baseless ramblings are less coherent than David Icke's. not even a nice try, that's pure tin foil hat action.

pertaining to the "twelfth imam", i never said all moslems believe that shit, i said the Twelfth Imamers do. not all christians believe in the rapture either, nor in the literal transmutation of wine into blood, or bread into human flesh. only the wackos believe wacky shit.

regarding your specious claims about the sun setting in a muddy pool, bite down on this noise:

Surah al-Kahf 83-101

Translation (Yusuf Ali)

83. They ask thee concerning Zul-qarnain. Say, “I will rehearse to you something of his story.”
84. Verily We established his power on earth, and We gave him the ways and the means to all ends.
85. One (such) way he followed,
86. Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water: Near it he found a People: We said: “O Zul-qarnain! (thou hast authority,) either to punish them, or to treat them with kindness.”
87. He said: “Whoever doth wrong, him shall we punish; then shall he be sent back to his Lord; and He will punish him with a punishment unheard-of (before).
88. “But whoever believes, and works righteousness,- he shall have a goodly reward, and easy will be his task as We order it by our Command.”
89. Then followed he (another) way,
90. Until, when he came to the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had provided no covering protection against the sun.
91. (He left them) as they were: We completely understood what was before him.
92. Then followed he (another) way,
93. Until, when he reached (a tract) between two mountains, he found, beneath them, a people who scarcely understood a word.
94. They said: “O Zul-qarnain! the Gog and Magog (People) do great mischief on earth: shall we then render thee tribute in order that thou mightest erect a barrier between us and them?
95. He said: “(The power) in which my Lord has established me is better (than tribute): Help me therefore with strength (and labour): I will erect a strong barrier between you and them:
96. “Bring me blocks of iron.” At length, when he had filled up the space between the two steep mountain-sides, He said, “Blow (with your bellows)” Then, when he had made it (red) as fire, he said: “Bring me, that I may pour over it, molten lead.”
97. Thus were they made powerless to scale it or to dig through it.
98. He said: “This is a mercy from my Lord: But when the promise of my Lord comes to pass, He will make it into dust; and the promise of my Lord is true.”
99. On that day We shall leave them to surge like waves on one another: the trumpet will be blown, and We shall collect them all together.
100. And We shall present Hell that day for Unbelievers to see, all spread out,-
101. (Unbelievers) whose eyes had been under a veil from remembrance of Me, and who had been unable even to hear. ~source: the koran.

i guess im making that up or taking it out of context.

im done with you.
Loool like Harrekin said it’s an unreliable source you provided however a more reliable source which we both could agree upon would be Israelis deputy PM Dan Meridor who admitted himself that Ahmadinejad never said it!! So you’re wrong! And putting my quote in your signature just makes you look even more ignorant since I was right! Haha

And am still waiting for a quote from the Qur’an where it says a Kaffir’s testimony in court is not counted. You can bring Fatwa’s or whatever you like but the fact is anyone can give a Fatwa so it’s not a source. Muslims read and follow the Qur’an. Also if you even knew anything about Sharia law you would know that as long as we can practise our faith in the US and Europe which we can do we have no need to implement Sharia law you can show me some videos/links to some random people who have about 20 people that follow them but the million+ people are perfectly happy with the current law system. Also the only reason Muslim countries are hostile towards Israel is only because of the oppression and occupation of Muslims in Palestine. Because of this countries such as the US that support Israel financially and militarily will be resented. Twisted it in whatever way you like Palestinians used to live in what is now called Israel but were kicked out and in some cases even murdered.
Where is the evidence that OBL was responsible? The US attacked Afghanistan despite having zero, zilch, 0% evidence. Also attacked Iraq based on lies and manipulated testimony/evidence. Same as the court case against OBL embassy bombings in east Africa where they had to use a liar and a thief as the star witness who also changed his testimony a good few times hardly a reliable source.
Do you think Mubarak in Egypt was not a puppet of the US? The Al Saud family has been a puppet of the West from the very beginning of their power when they was provided with weapons and money to conquer what is today Saudi Arabia.
And talking about the Muddy water I will just post the correct version of the 2 verses you put in bold.
· 18:86 (Asad) [And he marched westwards] till, when he came to the setting of the sun, [SUP][84][/SUP] it appeared to him that it was setting in a dark, turbid sea; [SUP][85][/SUP] and nearby he found a people [given to every kind of wrongdoing]. We said: "O thou Two-Horned One! Thou mayest either cause [them] to suffer or treat them with kindness!" [SUP][86][/SUP] -

· 18:90 (Asad) [And then he marched eastwards] till, when he came to the rising of the sun [SUP][91][/SUP] he found that it was rising on a people for whom We had provided no coverings against it:

The link to Israelis deputy PM:
[video] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVMJXXNowOo[/video]

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You're SUCH a Republican, it's hilarious.

So because Ack-maddy-mad made a stupid comment (or not, I don't speak Persian myself and only trust things I hear with my own ears) Iran should burn? You realise most Persians couldn't give a fuck about their leaders and their stupid comments?

Iran hasn't attacked anyone in HUNDREDS of years.

And tbh, the Israeli leadership is just as bad as the Persian leadership, can we agree on that?
so, iran does not fund equip and train hamas hezzbollah the al aqusa brigade, etc etc etc... man, those dirty jews did it again. they even convinced the UN and the arab league that iran is a state sponsor of terrorists.

if only there were some way to end this jew problem world wide.... some kind of Solution...

shit man, if isareal never got attacked again, then the entire region would be at peace. it's a shame those dirty jews have to sit there, being all jewish, and forcing the innocent peace loving moslems to attack them. we really need to Finally come up with some sort of Solution to this Jewish Question. perhaps we could erect some sort of Camp. shit i just dont have the Concentration to figure out what kind of Camp we could erect. but it's as hot as a Crematorium here where i am. perhaps a Shower would clear my head.


Well-Known Member
so, iran does not fund equip and train hamas hezzbollah the al aqusa brigade, etc etc etc... man, those dirty jews did it again. they even convinced the UN and the arab league that iran is a state sponsor of terrorists.

if only there were some way to end this jew problem world wide.... some kind of Solution...

shit man, if isareal never got attacked again, then the entire region would be at peace. it's a shame those dirty jews have to sit there, being all jewish, and forcing the innocent peace loving moslems to attack them. we really need to Finally come up with some sort of Solution to this Jewish Question. perhaps we could erect some sort of Camp. shit i just dont have the Concentration to figure out what kind of Camp we could erect. but it's as hot as a Crematorium here where i am. perhaps a Shower would clear my head.
I never mentioned religion, that was all you bro.

My gripe is with the Israeli leadership, even Israeli people are starting to see that what's happening is wrong.

Now Romney says his balls have remained unsucked for too long due to you typing, you need to put them back in your mouth STAT!


Active Member
I have heard that in ancient history, with the help of aliens, the Mayans placed bombs at the 2012 Olympic sites.


Active Member
so, iran does not fund equip and train hamas hezzbollah the al aqusa brigade, etc etc etc... man, those dirty jews did it again. they even convinced the UN and the arab league that iran is a state sponsor of terrorists.

if only there were some way to end this jew problem world wide.... some kind of Solution...

shit man, if isareal never got attacked again, then the entire region would be at peace. it's a shame those dirty jews have to sit there, being all jewish, and forcing the innocent peace loving moslems to attack them. we really need to Finally come up with some sort of Solution to this Jewish Question. perhaps we could erect some sort of Camp. shit i just dont have the Concentration to figure out what kind of Camp we could erect. but it's as hot as a Crematorium here where i am. perhaps a Shower would clear my head.
Wow that was ridiculously pathetic. No-one cares that Israel is a Jewish state. The fact that they occupy and oppress is the issue. But of course anything that goes against the state of Israel automatically means its against Judaism and anti-Semitic. I don't even care that you are a Jew yet for some reason you clearly have something against me because I am a Muslim.


Active Member
so, iran does not fund equip and train hamas hezzbollah the al aqusa brigade, etc etc etc... man, those dirty jews did it again. they even convinced the UN and the arab league that iran is a state sponsor of terrorists.

if only there were some way to end this jew problem world wide.... some kind of Solution...

shit man, if isareal never got attacked again, then the entire region would be at peace. it's a shame those dirty jews have to sit there, being all jewish, and forcing the innocent peace loving moslems to attack them. we really need to Finally come up with some sort of Solution to this Jewish Question. perhaps we could erect some sort of Camp. shit i just dont have the Concentration to figure out what kind of Camp we could erect. but it's as hot as a Crematorium here where i am. perhaps a Shower would clear my head.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I never mentioned religion, that was all you bro.

My gripe is with the Israeli leadership, even Israeli people are starting to see that what's happening is wrong.

Now Romney says his balls have remained unsucked for too long due to you typing, you need to put them back in your mouth STAT!
and yet just a few posts back...

The Jeruslam Centre for Public Affairs and it's written by an Israeli Jew...that's sure not to be biased at all!

Iran will never attack Israel, they'd have to be bat shit crazy, nukes or no nukes.

as consistent as ever My Lord Cromwell.

at least those dirty jews arent as evil as the Black Irish. Hearts as Black as the Bogs they Trot over. Aye Your Lordship?


Well-Known Member
and yet just a few posts back...

as consistent as ever My Lord Cromwell.

at least those dirty jews arent as evil as the Black Irish. Hearts as Black as the Bogs they Trot over. Aye Your Lordship?
Yeah being an Israeli Jew doesn't make you biased against Muslims/Palestenians at all.

If only you understood the word "relevance".

Iv also not said a negative thing about Jews, yet youve already insulted Muslims and Irish people and you try make me out as the bigot? It's a wonder the Republicans still exist with a retarded memberbase like you.


Active Member
Exactly what Harrekin said! I've not even mentioned the word Jew or anything about it and you automatically start insulting Islam even though it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread which is to do with potential war scenarios. Heck your even in the wrong forum section this is to do with Politics if you haven't noticed.


Active Member
if i didnt know u were muslim i would wonder y u wanted more war .... u should focus on killing your own people that arent muslim enough....