How long should I keep my seeds in papertowel?


Well-Known Member

I have had my seeds in a paper towel for a little bit over 48 hours. They already got the white tails which are somewhat curling. Now how long should I leave it in the paper towel?


Well-Known Member
Plant them now. All you need is for the seeds to crack. Try to get them pointed downward, but don't go crazy worrying yourself about it. They've sprouted setting on their sides and they "know" to seek down. I use my finger to poke a hole about a half inch down, then GENTLY put the soil over the top of the seed. I also don't water new seeds from the top, I set them in a tray and put water in that and allow capillary action to wick the water up into the soil.


Well-Known Member
I usually soak overnight in a wet Bounty and baggie in a warm spot, then plant them to germinate. I'm using Perlite lately in little Hempy Cups with good results. Bury seed in medium about 1/4", on it's side is always safe. Wet everything but don't overdo it, then cover w/ plastic wrap and keep warm. Light is ok, but not under a gro light. They should emerge in 1-3 days with some stragglers possible. Keep your eye on the water, but restrain yourself from coddling them too much.


Well-Known Member
How does planting in just perlite work out for you? Do you keep your plants in just the perlite? Do you grow indoors or out? I'm growing outdoors, nothin' like free sun and wind, ya know?

Oh yeah, Bounty paper towels fucking RAWK! I hate cheap-ass paper towels. :D