How long should I dry before curing?


Active Member
I'm trying to get all of my ducks in a row before harvesting and there has been some conflicting info when it comes to harvest time, dry time and curing time. I think I've gathered some good info on the harvest so now I'm on to drying. I have a cabinet with a screen that slides in and I will be hanging the harvest from there and it will be in the dark. My questions are: How many days should I hang them? How dry should they be? What are the signs of drying too long? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Conditions of the cab are below.

Panasonic whisperline fan
phresh Filter 4x12
1 - 4" fan creating fresh air and 6" desk fan for circulation
temp is avg 80 degrees
Avg. humidity 35% - 40%


Well-Known Member
Dry till stems snap. If they bending with no snap then let them go another day or two.


Well-Known Member
Dont cut your crop until at least 8 weeks in. You will see why if you let it go 8-10 weeks. 7 week bud can be good but 8-10 week but is so much better...and 30% or so heavier.

In the harvesting and curing section there is a lot of great info on drying.


Active Member
Dry until just before the stem snaps. Also squeeze the bud between your thumb and finger. If the bud compresses and doesn't flex back out it's still too wet. As for curing time, the longer the better. It's better to start your cure earlier rather than later. If the bud is still too wet when you start your curing process it can always be dried a little longer, but there's not much you can do if it's been over dried. Just make sure you take proper steps in the early stages of curing to prevent mold. I like to use mason jars, and the first week of the cure I open the jars every 12 hours and let it air out for a while.